Servir dignifica o ser humano! A satisfação de poder contribuir com causas humanitárias em nossas comunidades, faz com que cada Leão se orgulhe de pertencer à essa magnífica Instituição, LIONS, que faz o bem a muitas pessoas necessitadas no mundo todo. Na pequena comunidade de Nonoai, no Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil, o presidente do Lions… Continue reading Saúde mental para todos
Story Category: Constitutional Area (CA)
Leones apoyando a damnificados por tormenta Julia
Los estragos ocasionados en Guatemala, específicamente en los departamentos de Izabal y Cobán Alta Verapaz, por la tormenta julia fueron incalculables debido a la perdidas de muchos guatemaltecos que viven en aéreas de deslaves de tierra, ríos que con la lluvia crecieron mucho, debido a eso la pérdida de los puentes que hacían más difícil… Continue reading Leones apoyando a damnificados por tormenta Julia
Turkish Lions Stand with Ukraine
Leaving their homes behind in this difficult time, Ukrainian refugees are welcomed with open arms by Lions of Istanbul’s Asian Side. As declared by Ukrainian Solidarity Association and Ukrainian Consulate – the emergency needs of the refugees were food, clothing, drugs and medical supplies. Considering the wellbeing of children and elderly in the cold weather… Continue reading Turkish Lions Stand with Ukraine
Diabetes Vehicle Roams the Streets of Istanbul!
Lions of Istanbul’s Asian Side proudly delivered an LCIF granted Diabetes Education and Screening Panel Van to Turkish Diabetes Foundation with a lovely outdoor ceremony in April 2022. The vehicle drives diabetes awareness into the lives of the local communities in all 39 counties of Istanbul. Furthermore, it’s available to Lions and Leos anytime they… Continue reading Diabetes Vehicle Roams the Streets of Istanbul!
Lions, Leos and Special Youth hit the court!
Youth with intellectual disabilities between 14 and 25 enjoyed playing basketball with Lions and Leos of Istanbul’s Asian Side in European Basketball Week, November 2021. Since everyone enjoyed the event so much, they got together again in February 2022. This time to hit the basketball court as well as a bowling alley! 40 participants joined… Continue reading Lions, Leos and Special Youth hit the court!
Tree Plantation : For Ever Our City is Green
We have founded the Tree Plantation movement.. it is called ‘Hariali” means Greenery. All NGOs included Lions Club : Antalia. Lions Club : Bilimora and Lions Club : Bilimora-Yugma…We have ‘strongly’ decided to fight against Global Warning. Trees are planting in every corners, vacant Government places, common plots of resident areas since last five years.… Continue reading Tree Plantation : For Ever Our City is Green
Dist.3232F1 project save environment, save Earth
As we are all aware that today most important subject for us save environment and save Earth. We LCB Aastha take a six sigma project on same subject with PDCA approach from July. 22 below program organized. 1. July.22 Awareness session on daily waste segregation /refuse plastic and E waste management ongoing 2. Jul. 22… Continue reading Dist.3232F1 project save environment, save Earth
Pediatric cancer patient: Get well soon
Lions Club of Baroda Aastha – 3232F1 organized twice a program at GOTRI GMERS hospital pediatric ward, with the theme “Get Well Soon.” Cake was cut by pediatric cancer patient KHUSHI RATHOD and snacks (home made poha and samosas along with cake) were distributed to more than 80 persons (45 patients + 35 parents) in… Continue reading Pediatric cancer patient: Get well soon
Indiana Lions Return to Eastern Kentucky
Our journey began last year after the tornadoes in Western Kentucky. Lion Bill McDonald, who has responded to many disasters, asked if I would like to help. I had never seen the results of a disaster firsthand. We left Osgood, Indiana with 2 trailers with totes, Christmas gifts, & other needed items for Madisonville, Kentucky.… Continue reading Indiana Lions Return to Eastern Kentucky
Sports event for intellectual disabled childrens
Under DG Visit Week celebration,Organized sports event for Arpan school of intellectual disabled childrens by LCB Aastha dated 30.11.22 at MANJALPUR SPORTS COMPLEX ” DG sir inaugurated the event & blessings words🙏 PMCC MJF Ln Parimal sir and VDG1 MJF Ln Vijaysinh umat sir and Lions dignitaries to grace the event🙏 # Start event with… Continue reading Sports event for intellectual disabled childrens