Diabetes Vehicle Roams the Streets of Istanbul!
Lions of Istanbul’s Asian Side proudly delivered an LCIF granted Diabetes Education and Screening Panel Van to Turkish Diabetes Foundation with a lovely outdoor ceremony in April 2022.
The vehicle drives diabetes awareness into the lives of the local communities in all 39 counties of Istanbul. Furthermore, it’s available to Lions and Leos anytime they wish to do an event with the panel van. After its tour in Istanbul, the panel van plans to visit all 81 cities of Türkiye for 20 years.
The license plate of the vehicle, 34 LD 118, is very unique. 34 is the traffic code of Istanbul city, LD is the abbreviation of Lions Diabetes and 118 is the MD name of Türkiye.
D118Y initiated the grant journey in 2019-2020 service year with DG Ruhi Gönüllü, D LCIF Coordinator Hakan Çuhadar and D Diabetes Chairperson Esra Fazlıoğlu. The efforts continued in 2020-2021 service year with DG Belma Bozyiğit, D LCIF Coordinator Ayla Zübeyde Taşaner and Lion Esra. Finally the grant is received in 2021-2022 service year with the leadership of DG İnci Otman, Lion Ayla and Lion Esra.
The project is successfully coordinated by PDG Banu Tüzgiray as a strong partnership among the Lions Clubs of Abide, Çamlık Sahil, Çatalçeşme, Ethemefendi, Fenerbahçe, İdealtepe, Kadıköy, Mühürdar, Selamiçeşme, Yeditepe Çamlıca, Yeni Fenerbahçe and Yeşilbahar.