Ilkeek Aare Boarding School in Kenya

Located in a remote area of Kenya, the Ilkeek Aare Primary School serves the semi-nomadic Masaai children in the region. As the lifestyle of these children’s families required perpetual moving around following the grazing grounds of their cattle, many of the Masaai children did not graduate from school. In 2012, the Münster-Landois Lions Club of… Continue reading Ilkeek Aare Boarding School in Kenya

Samarbetar för att skapa bättre resultat bland ungdomar i Ukraina

”Vårt mål är att hjälpa alla barn i Ukraina genom Lions Quest.” Tidigare distriktsguvernör Dr. Valentin Kravchenko är fast besluten att uppnå denna höga ambition med hjälp av betydande anslagsmedel från Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) och betydande deltagande från lokala lionmedlemmar. ”Vi stödjer skolor i deras insatser att implementera Lions Quest för att hjälpa… Continue reading Samarbetar för att skapa bättre resultat bland ungdomar i Ukraina

LCIF & PAHO Measles Vaccination Campaign in Mexico

In Mexico, vaccination campaigns against measles are deeply embedded in the country’s history, with campaigns starting as early as 1973. Despite immense challenges presented by the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic, health workers across the country have continued their efforts to reach every child with life-saving immunization to protect against measles. Measles is a highly contagious… Continue reading LCIF & PAHO Measles Vaccination Campaign in Mexico

LCIF:s påverkan: Från hungrig till hoppfull – LCIF hjälper Lions i Indien med mat till hungriga barn

Hungersnöd är ett vanligt problem runtom i världen. Det påverkar hela samhällen, speciellt barn, på sätt som inte kan mätas. I Indien lider två av fem barn av undernäring, vilket kan leda till sjukdom, hämmad tillväxt samt försenad fysisk och mental utveckling. I Indien stödjer Anganwadis barn på landsbygden som lider brist på mat, vilken… Continue reading LCIF:s påverkan: Från hungrig till hoppfull – LCIF hjälper Lions i Indien med mat till hungriga barn

Recovery of food surpluses

The project of the Lions Club Bergamo Host, District 108IB2, is the result of a teamwork between Lions and Leos of the whole district, institutions and associations. It is based on the recovery and distribution of surplus food, for disposal but still usable through an efficient network for the collection and redistribution for the benefit… Continue reading Recovery of food surpluses

Cornhole competition benefits LCIF

US$3,000 was raised for LCIF thanks to a cornhole competition, at a recent 14 C council meeting. Photographed in group photo: (Left) MD-14 LCIF Co-coordinator PDG Kerry McKnight and (Right) is the Builder/Donor VDG Mike Schaeffer. With the help of every Lion doing and giving what they can, Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service will meet… Continue reading Cornhole competition benefits LCIF

Diabetes Awareness in South Africa

Special Olympics South Africa used its provincial floor hockey tournament as an opportunity raise athletes’ awareness of the growing risk of diabetes. To do this, they leaned on their strong partnership with Lions and had the Bryanston Champions Cyber Lions Club join forces with other Lions clubs to provide diabetes education and testing to athletes… Continue reading Diabetes Awareness in South Africa

Tackling Diabetes in eSwatini

167 family members flocked to attend the Family Health Forum hosted by Special Olympics eSwatini at the end. The event was held over 2 days to comply with COVID restrictions which limited the daily size of public gatherings. The forum covered health promotion topics including diabetes which was addressed by local Lions. Unfortunately the diabetes… Continue reading Tackling Diabetes in eSwatini

National Games in Mauritius

Special Olympics Mauritius held its National Games at the end of November and was grateful for the full support of their partner, the Lions Club Curepipe. Many Lions participated in the Opening Ceremony’s parade, handed medals to athletes during the awards ceremonies and volunteered at the Opening Eyes screening, which ran parallel with the games.