Forest fires

August… summertime… high temperatures… vacation period… The Lions from LC Saint Panteleimon had no activities planned for the month… at least we thought so. However, nature can be unpredictable. Maleshevo, a region in North Macedonia full of pine and oak woods suddenly became a burning inferno. The high fire flames did not allow extinguishing from… Continue reading Forest fires

Mission: Inclusion Romania

As part of a shared commitment to forging social inclusion worldwide, Special Olympics and the Lions Clubs International Foundation have placed an increased emphasis on the role that youth can play in making the world a more inclusive place for all. Through the transformative power of community service, youth worldwide have come together to not… Continue reading Mission: Inclusion Romania

« Mission : inclusion » de Special Olympics et de la LCIF

La guerre en Ukraine a créé une crise migratoire sans précédent dont l’Europe n’a pas été témoin depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Des millions de réfugiés ont fui l’Ukraine à la recherche de sécurité, tandis que des millions d’autres cherchent de toute urgence des moyens de traverser la frontière. Selon des statistiques fournies par l’Agence… Continue reading « Mission : inclusion » de Special Olympics et de la LCIF

I Lions di Prossimità

Distretto 108Yb – Sicilia VII Circoscrizione – I Riunione Sabato 19 settembre 2021 Intervento del Presidente Lions Club Augusta Host – Ing. Giovanni Garofalo Sono il Presidente del Club Augusta Host e sono un giovane Lion essendo entrato a fare parte della associazione solo pochi anni fa. Ho portato il mio entusiasmo contagioso e travolgente… Continue reading I Lions di Prossimità

I Lions di Prossimità

Distretto 108Yb – Sicilia VII Circoscrizione – I Riunione Sabato 19 settembre 2021 Intervento del Presidente Lions Club Augusta Host – Ing. Giovanni Garofalo Sono il Presidente del Club Augusta Host e sono un giovane Lion essendo entrato a fare parte della associazione solo pochi anni fa. Ho portato il mio entusiasmo contagioso e travolgente… Continue reading I Lions di Prossimità

Nouer des partenariats pour assurer de meilleurs résultats pour la jeunesse en Ukraine

« Notre objectif est d’apporter Lions Quest à tous les enfants d’Ukraine. » Le Dr. Valentin Kravchenko, ancien gouverneur de district, est déterminé à concrétiser ce souhait ambitieux avec l’appui d’une subvention de la Fondation du Lions Clubs International (LCIF) et l’aide des Lions du pays. « Nous soutenons le travail des écoles qui mettent… Continue reading Nouer des partenariats pour assurer de meilleurs résultats pour la jeunesse en Ukraine

Recovery of food surpluses

The project of the Lions Club Bergamo Host, District 108IB2, is the result of a teamwork between Lions and Leos of the whole district, institutions and associations. It is based on the recovery and distribution of surplus food, for disposal but still usable through an efficient network for the collection and redistribution for the benefit… Continue reading Recovery of food surpluses

Food surplus recovery

The Lions Club of the Lodi province, (Lombardy Italy) Lions District 108Ib3, have purchased a refrigerated van for the transport of food with an investment of approximately 80,000 dollars, of which $ 41,175 thanks to a grant from the L.C.I.F. The service launched in 2021 has already helped more than 270 families. The refrigerated van… Continue reading Food surplus recovery