« A Teatro per la Vita » per l’ospedale Bambino Gesù

Il Lions Club Valle Tiberina promotore del progetto, il Distretto 108L ed i Club Lions di : Passo Corese Sabina Gens, Val di Comino, Tivoli d’Est, Sabaudia S.F. Circeo Host, Poggio Mirteto Farfa Cures, Tivoli Host, Amatrice Micigliano Terminillo, Campagnano Mazzano Romano, Palestrina Ager Praenestinus, Roma Quirinale, Rieti Varrone, Antrodoco Host, Città Ducale, Rieti Flaminia… Continue reading « A Teatro per la Vita » per l’ospedale Bambino Gesù

Ukraine Refugee Relief

The project was very important to give integration support for young Ukrainian refugees who are forced to live in Estonia. It gave some relief from everyday troubles and stress. At the beginning of 2024 year a request for the allocation of 22,757 USD was submitted to LCIF and it was approved under number DES24297/120. The… Continue reading Ukraine Refugee Relief

Lions Stoves to relief Ukrainian families in cold!

Let’s rock🎶🎵. Lions Stoves🦁🔥 provide heating sources to ❄️feezing cold 🇺🇦Ukraine and cooking platform for 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦families as ⚡️energy infrastructure has been destroyed in most areas of the country. Already 2 🚛 full trucks with 1800 stoves are on their way, and donations exceed 5 truck loads (4500 stoves). As nly in some 🗓weeks, the Lions… Continue reading Lions Stoves to relief Ukrainian families in cold!

Unified Run

The Lions of Northern Greece co-organized with Special Olympics Hellas the largest unified event in Greece, specifically a Unified Run, a symbolic 1,000-meter race with 150 Special Olympics Hellas athletes, many school children from Northern Greece, and several volunteers. Unified Sports join people with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team. It was inspired… Continue reading Unified Run

Invigorated and Inspired by Attending the 2024 LCIF Convention in Melbourne

I have had the pleasure of working with Special Olympics International for the last 14 years. In early 2023, when Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) had their board meeting in Ireland, I was lucky enough to attend a supporting event hosted by Special Olympics Ireland. Many may not know this, but Special Olympics and LCIF… Continue reading Invigorated and Inspired by Attending the 2024 LCIF Convention in Melbourne

Turkish Lions Stand with Ukraine

Leaving their homes behind in this difficult time, Ukrainian refugees are welcomed with open arms by Lions of Istanbul’s Asian Side. As declared by Ukrainian Solidarity Association and Ukrainian Consulate – the emergency needs of the refugees were food, clothing, drugs and medical supplies. Considering the wellbeing of children and elderly in the cold weather… Continue reading Turkish Lions Stand with Ukraine