Go Green, Plant A Tree

When you plant a tree you don’t just plant a sapling but hope for future generation to live their life happily. As we know about our recent scenario of Covid-19, that people die due to lack of oxygen supply. The forest fires of Himachal Pradesh and Odisha which has burnt hectares of forest in just… Continue reading Go Green, Plant A Tree

Tree Plantation

Lions Club of Butwal Central, District 325B2 in Nepal organized a Tree Plantation Program at school premises. Altogether 150 different trees were planted.


Menstrual hygiene, a very important risk factor for reproductive tract infections, is a vital aspect of health education for adolescent girls. With an objective to transmit the vital message and educate the beliefs, conception about menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls and women in the slum areas was the main objective of Lions Club Lucknow Premier.… Continue reading Hygiene

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