Secrétaire de Leo club MIKENO

Leo club MIKENO GOMA dans le district 409 nous essayons de sensibiliser le jeunes parmi nos 8 causes mondiale du Lion international sur l’environnement et nous avons environs 10 actions concrètes pour protéger l’environnement ce par exemple pour : 1) Eviter le gaspillage alimentaire. … 2) Revoir sa consommation énergétique. … 3)Limiter sa consommation d’eau.… Continue reading Secrétaire de Leo club MIKENO

Empowering Lives with Sustainable Agricuture

Leo Sustainable Agri Livelihood Program The Leo Sustainable Agri Livelihood Program is a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to reviving barren lands and transforming them into thriving ecosystems. With a vision for a greener, more sustainable future, this program not only rejuvenates the land but also empowers communities by fostering sustainable agriculture and livelihoods. Transforming Dead Land… Continue reading Empowering Lives with Sustainable Agricuture


台北市典範獅子會 愛心牽手溫暖傳遞社會服務 在這次活動中,我們陪伴弱勢兒童一同前往台中東勢(梨最珍貴果園)農場,進行一系列有意義的活動,包括採水梨、植樹、環境保護,並帶領這些孩子們前往孤兒院捐助日常用品。 活動安排; 採水梨:讓孩子們親身體驗農作的樂趣,了解農業生產的過程。 植樹:教育孩子們關於環境保護的重要性,並親手種下希望的樹苗。 環境保護:進行農場周邊的清潔活動,培養孩子們的環保意識。 捐助活動:帶領孩子們前往當地孤兒院,捐助日常用品,並與孤兒院的孩子們互動,傳遞愛心和關懷。 這次活動不僅是一次難得的體驗,更是我們向社會傳遞關愛的具體行動。 共同為這些弱勢兒童帶來歡樂和希望。 感謝各位獅兄獅姐的支持與參與! #300A3區台北市典範獅子會鍾文斌 TAIPEI DIAN-FAN LIONS CLUB DISTRICT 300A 3 TANWAN

Sustainable Environment

Lions Club of Dhaka Shyamoli Organizes Tree Distribution Program at Playpen School, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka. Dhaka, October 2024: In a remarkable effort to promote environmental awareness among the younger generation, the Lions Club of Dhaka Shyamoli organized a successful Tree Distribution Program at the renowned Playpen School in Bashundhara Residential Area. Over 1,200 saplings were… Continue reading Sustainable Environment

Eco Bags

Project: Eco Bags Headed by : Leo Nandini Menon & Leo Rochelle Punen We’re thrilled to announce that our linen collection drive in association with My Green Society has yielded an impressive 77kgs of donations in September marking the successful completion of Phase 1 . The collected linen will now be utilized by rural women… Continue reading Eco Bags

Grow a Life

Grow a Life, tree planting project of Imus Dambalasik Lions Club and Cavite Grand LIons Club. As we join together for planting fruit bearing trees (mulberry) at the backyard of Happy Homes Housing Cooperative, we believe that it will give the special kids residing in the community a fruit of love because it gives great… Continue reading Grow a Life