Lions Day in Service

District 45 had a Lions Days in Service held in conjunction with green-up day in Vermont. Thanks to Vermont Lions Charities we were in partnership with the Green-Up Committee by adding our logo to their poster. My home club, Heartland Lions in South Royalton, VT worked with the Town of Royalton, and Cascadnac Trail Riders… Continue reading Lions Day in Service

Forest fires

August… summertime… high temperatures… vacation period… The Lions from LC Saint Panteleimon had no activities planned for the month… at least we thought so. However, nature can be unpredictable. Maleshevo, a region in North Macedonia full of pine and oak woods suddenly became a burning inferno. The high fire flames did not allow extinguishing from… Continue reading Forest fires

Marking the World malaria day 2022

*CALABAR UNIQUE LIONS AND LEO CLUBS* marks *WORLD MALARIA DAY 2022* *Harness innovation to reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives at: *Government Model Secondary School, Uwanse* Joining the students to tidy up the immediate school environment, Giving an awareness talk on *MALARIA* and the *ENVIRONMENT* Distributing Antimalarial drugs to the students.


No interior de São Paulo, Agudos, oum grupo de leões plantou 100 mudas de arvores nativa, na nascente do rio batalha, rio esse que abastece a cidade de Bauru.