20 Community members flocked to attend the awareness and diabetes education hosted by Lions Diabetes Action Initiative for Somalia and LC Muqdisho. The event was held over 2 days to comply with COVID restrictions which limited the daily size of public gatherings. It was covered health promotion topics including diabetes which was addressed by local… Continue reading Launched Diabetes Action Initiative For Somalia
Story Category: Area d'interesse
Extension du CENTRE RÉGIONAL DU DIABÈTE à Sambava.
Grâce à vos dons , la LCIF a pu octroyer une subvention à hauteur de 59.626 US$, au projet CENTRE RÉGIONAL DU DIABÈTE SAVA. Les Lions Clubs de la SAVA (Sambava , Antalaha , Vohémar , Andapa) remercient tous les partenaires qui ont oeuvrés pour la collecte des 25% , soit 20.000 US$.
Ilkeek Aare Boarding School in Kenya
Located in a remote area of Kenya, the Ilkeek Aare Primary School serves the semi-nomadic Masaai children in the region. As the lifestyle of these children’s families required perpetual moving around following the grazing grounds of their cattle, many of the Masaai children did not graduate from school. In 2012, the Münster-Landois Lions Club of… Continue reading Ilkeek Aare Boarding School in Kenya
Collaborare per creare risultati migliori per i giovani in Ucraina
“Il nostro obiettivo è di aiutare ogni bambino in Ucraina tramite Lions Quest”. Questa ambiziosa aspirazione è ciò che il Dr. Valentin Kravchenko, Past Governatore Distrettuale Lions, intende aiutare a realizzare con considerevoli contributi della Fondazione Lions Clubs International (LCIF) e con una notevole partecipazione dei Lions locali. “Sosteniamo le scuole nelle loro iniziative volte… Continue reading Collaborare per creare risultati migliori per i giovani in Ucraina
LCIF & PAHO Measles Vaccination Campaign in Mexico
In Mexico, vaccination campaigns against measles are deeply embedded in the country’s history, with campaigns starting as early as 1973. Despite immense challenges presented by the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic, health workers across the country have continued their efforts to reach every child with life-saving immunization to protect against measles. Measles is a highly contagious… Continue reading LCIF & PAHO Measles Vaccination Campaign in Mexico
Impatto della LCIF: da affamati a speranzosi, la LCIF aiuta i Lions dell’India a nutrire i giovani affamati
La fame è un problema diffuso in tutto il mondo. Colpisce le comunità, specialmente i bambini, in modi incommensurabili. In India, due bambini su cinque soffrono di malnutrizione, che può portare a malattie, arresto della crescita e ritardo nello sviluppo fisico e mentale. A sostenere i bambini delle zone rurali in India che affrontano l’insicurezza… Continue reading Impatto della LCIF: da affamati a speranzosi, la LCIF aiuta i Lions dell’India a nutrire i giovani affamati
Recovery of food surpluses
The project of the Lions Club Bergamo Host, District 108IB2, is the result of a teamwork between Lions and Leos of the whole district, institutions and associations. It is based on the recovery and distribution of surplus food, for disposal but still usable through an efficient network for the collection and redistribution for the benefit… Continue reading Recovery of food surpluses
Tonga Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami
Glenside Lions have donated $5,000 in February to the Tonga disaster in response to the LCIF appeal. On the 15th of January, a volcano in the South Pacific Ocean erupted, sending ash into the upper atmosphere, and unleashing a devastating tsunami that destroyed homes on Tonga’s nearby islands. Across Tongatapu 90% of power has been… Continue reading Tonga Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami
Cornhole competition benefits LCIF
US$3,000 was raised for LCIF thanks to a cornhole competition, at a recent 14 C council meeting. Photographed in group photo: (Left) MD-14 LCIF Co-coordinator PDG Kerry McKnight and (Right) is the Builder/Donor VDG Mike Schaeffer. With the help of every Lion doing and giving what they can, Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service will meet… Continue reading Cornhole competition benefits LCIF
Diabetes Awareness in South Africa
Special Olympics South Africa used its provincial floor hockey tournament as an opportunity raise athletes’ awareness of the growing risk of diabetes. To do this, they leaned on their strong partnership with Lions and had the Bryanston Champions Cyber Lions Club join forces with other Lions clubs to provide diabetes education and testing to athletes… Continue reading Diabetes Awareness in South Africa