Special Olympics Albania, with support from the Lions Clubs International Foundation, organized a workshop (classroom and practical) on Special Olympics and Unified Sports at the Sports University of Tirana on 21 February 2022. Sara Bala, Special Olympics Albania, said the event was “fabulous” and they never expected to have such a response from participating university… Continue reading LCIF supports Special Olympics Albania workshop
Story Category: Area d'interesse
Special Olympics Tanzania sends thanks to LCIF!
A team of Special Olympics Tanzania athletes from the Nyaragusu refugee camp sends a message of thanks to Lions Clubs International Foundation for their support of the recent National Games in Tanzania. The team is made of refugee youth with intellectual disabilities and Unified Partners (athletes without intellectual disabilities).
Launched Lions Childhood Cancer Hope Initiative
The word “cancer” becomes a part of everyday life for the families. While some parts of the world advances in treatment have been able to save many of these children, “childhood cancer” is still something that strikes fear into everyone’s hearts, producing a deep sense of powerlessness. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. With awareness,… Continue reading Launched Lions Childhood Cancer Hope Initiative
Family Healthy Forum For Somalia
Special Olympics Somalia hosted a Family Health Forum Funded by LCIF, highlighting Public Healthy Related topics – a Second for Somalia. After the forum a MOU was signed by Special Olympics Somalia and Lions Clubs Provincial Zone of Somalia for Strategic Partnership. The forum, attended by 21 parents, 6 athletes, 4 Lions, and 2 Leos,… Continue reading Family Healthy Forum For Somalia
Zone Chairperson
Lions: Ration Distribution for Famine and drought Effected Communcity in Somalia Hunger relief activity in Muqdisho implemented by LC Mugadishu in partnership with Bacadmark business group to distribute different items to those vulnerable families ,Malnourished Children ,Women and old people. The funds were used for a hunger relief project integrating different items including, beverages, dates,… Continue reading Zone Chairperson
Free Eye Check up and Spectacles Distribution
To support girls child organized free Eye Checkup and distributed free spectacles those are needy to support in healthy education.
Birthday Celebration Gift IP Douglas X. Alexander
(HUNGER RELIEF PROJECT – “MISSION THAR”) GIFT OF SERVICE FROM THE HEART – IP DOUG ALEXANDER’S BIRTHDAY Dear Lions of MD 305 Pakistan, As you all are aware that Multiple District organized a Hunger Relief Project under the banner of “Mission Thar”. This service project from Multiple District was a Gift of Service from the… Continue reading Birthday Celebration Gift IP Douglas X. Alexander
Unità cucina mobile – Mobile kitchen unit
Progetto pilota dell’area fame realizzato nell’anno sociale 2020/21 dal Distretto Lions 108Yb (Governatore Mariella Sciammetta) con il contributo di LCIF (75%). Un investimento di circa 87.000,00 EUR (102.400,00 USD) che ha coinvolto un Distretto e 45 Lions Clubs per creare un mezzo di protezione civile pronto ad intervenire in caso di emergenze e rafforzare l’identità… Continue reading Unità cucina mobile – Mobile kitchen unit
Field Trip to Mcdonalds
It was my wish was to take the children of SOS Village Sialkot, to McDonald’s, for enjoying fast food. Upon hearing that the children had not left the village past 2 years because of covid, instead of delivering, Saira Naz of SOS and me decided to invite a total of 140, children + 20 staff… Continue reading Field Trip to Mcdonalds
Lions Quest Making Difference for Somalia
“Our goal is to help every child in Somalia through Lions Quest (LQ) while partnering all. ”That lofty aspiration is one that LQ Chairperson for Somalia Lion Yasir and zone chairperson Lion Zaynab Arab is determined to help achieve with significant grant funding from Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) and significant participation from local Lions.“… Continue reading Lions Quest Making Difference for Somalia