Recovery of food surpluses

The project of the Lions Club Bergamo Host, District 108IB2, is the result of a teamwork between Lions and Leos of the whole district, institutions and associations. It is based on the recovery and distribution of surplus food, for disposal but still usable through an efficient network for the collection and redistribution for the benefit… Continue reading Recovery of food surpluses

Food surplus recovery

The Lions Club of the Lodi province, (Lombardy Italy) Lions District 108Ib3, have purchased a refrigerated van for the transport of food with an investment of approximately 80,000 dollars, of which $ 41,175 thanks to a grant from the L.C.I.F. The service launched in 2021 has already helped more than 270 families. The refrigerated van… Continue reading Food surplus recovery

Catena del Freddo

Catena del Freddo è un service dell’area fame, promosso e completato dal Distretto 108 LA Toscana. E’ una catena logistica di distribuzione di cibo congelato e fresco, composta da: – 3 automezzi refrigerati che abbiamo messo a disposizione del Banco Alimentare e da – 80 pozzetti congelatori che abbiamo installato nelle strutture caritative periferiche di… Continue reading Catena del Freddo

Champions In Service

For over a century, Lions Clubs International has pioneered a global focus on the importance of service in an ever – changing world. From activating immediate responders in natural disasters, to providing key community services to those most in need, Lions Clubs members and Leo youth leaders alike have continuously answered the call to serve.… Continue reading Champions In Service

Educating Families in Russia

A Family Health Forum was held in Ekaritenburg, Russia. The second half of the forum focused on medical issues and was opened by the representative of the Lions Club Anas Alfaraj. Leading medical professionals from Yekaterinburg led the session, which addressed diabetes, nutrition and motor development in athletes with profound disabilities.

The Century by Nicola Grassi

The District 108 TA2, in Italy, identified a slightly different service than usual that concerns the culture. It is a bit different from the services we are used-to, but it is important because it increases the cultural level of people and, through the culture, we raise funds. The District organized an exhibition of ancient pictorial… Continue reading The Century by Nicola Grassi

Virtual Events in Romania

Special Olympics Romania has sustained its strong relationship with Lions during lockdown, implementing virtual activities; activating 18 Leos through two online Unified Sports coach seminars; and creating and distributing video coaching materials to all Leo Club coordinators in Bucharest, Bacau and Deva.

피난민과의 봉사를 통한 포용

제럴드 음발레가 전하는 메시지: 저는 그들의 아낌없는 지원으로 큰 도움을 받은 난민의 한 사람으로서, 소외된 사람들을 지원해 준 국제협회와 국제재단에 먼저 감사의 마음을 전하고 싶습니다. 저 뿐만 아니라 많은 난민들과 이주민들을 대신하여 진심으로 감사드립니다. 전 세계 라이온스클럽 자원봉사자들의 온정과 친절함은 인류 역사상 가장 위태로운 시기에 그 빛을 발합니다. 제2차 세계대전 이후로 분쟁과 빈곤으로 인해 이렇게… Continue reading 피난민과의 봉사를 통한 포용

Mobile Screening Van

A mobile health vehicle in Italy provides vision screenings, thanks to LCIF. This mobile unit allows Lions to enter the community anywhere there’s a need. LCIF’s mission is to strengthen eye care systems, enabling them to fight blindness and vision loss and assist those who are blind or visually impaired. SightFirst grants can help a… Continue reading Mobile Screening Van