A Safe Place to Play

Once wrought with unsightly, overgrown foliage, weeds, and dangerous playground equipment, Korczak’s Gardens is now a beautiful, safe place for children of a nearby orphanage and a school for children with disabilities. Thanks to a US$40,366 LCIF grant, crews cleared land, installed a synthetic surface designed for safe play, and paved a new path so… Continue reading A Safe Place to Play

Isolated, But Never Alone

It can be tough moving to a retirement home. There are new surroundings to learn, routines to create, roommates to meet, and adjusting to living apart from family. It is a new reality that can make residents feel lonely as they adjust. It can be even more difficult when illness requires isolation from visitors. During… Continue reading Isolated, But Never Alone

Playing Unified to Celebrate ”Mission: Inclusion”

As Lions Clubs leaders from throughout Europe gathered to celebrate the 2022 Lions Europa Forum in Thessaloniki, Greece, another celebration was being planned concurrently- underscoring the critical global leadership that the Lions Clubs International Foundation and countless Lions Clubs and Leos have offered to communities throughout the world. With the Europa Forum in full-swing, Special… Continue reading Playing Unified to Celebrate ”Mission: Inclusion”

Lapsuusiän syövästä selvinneiden auttaminen

Katso, miten omistautuneet lionit Bosnia ja Hertsegovinassa tukevat lapsuusiän syövästä selviytyneitä.

Katso, miten omistautuneet lionit Bosnia ja Hertsegovinassa tukevat lapsuusiän…