Champions In Service

For over a century, Lions Clubs International has pioneered a global focus on the importance of service in an ever – changing world. From activating immediate responders in natural disasters, to providing key community services to those most in need, Lions Clubs members and Leo youth leaders alike have continuously answered the call to serve.… Continue reading Champions In Service

Opening Eyes in Zambia

Special Olympics Zambia hosted an Opening Eyes screening for 80 athletes, complementing the event with a Healthy Hearing screening and training. This was the first of two in-person Opening Eyes events completed with COVID precautions in place, demonstrating how screenings might be carried out where restrictions allow.

Engaging Leos in Botswana

Six Leos joined 10 athletes and four university students in attending a first aid course led by Red Cross Botswana. The inclusive training was the first formal training for athletes and was inspired by Special Olympics Botswana athlete Bright Shadi, who became the first certified first aid volunteer within Special Olympics.

Family Health Forums in India

West Bengal hosted a Family Health Forum highlighting feminine hygiene and menstruation – a first for India. The forum, attended by 98 parents, 10 athletes and 8 Lions, educated parents on this ‘taboo’ issue in an effort to keep young women participating in sport and attending school throughout the month. In addition, Leos across India… Continue reading Family Health Forums in India

Educating Families in Russia

A Family Health Forum was held in Ekaritenburg, Russia. The second half of the forum focused on medical issues and was opened by the representative of the Lions Club Anas Alfaraj. Leading medical professionals from Yekaterinburg led the session, which addressed diabetes, nutrition and motor development in athletes with profound disabilities.

The Century by Nicola Grassi

The District 108 TA2, in Italy, identified a slightly different service than usual that concerns the culture. It is a bit different from the services we are used-to, but it is important because it increases the cultural level of people and, through the culture, we raise funds. The District organized an exhibition of ancient pictorial… Continue reading The Century by Nicola Grassi

Lions for Groves

Nine Lions Clubs in 2 Districts worked together to raise CAD 250,000 to support the Diabetes Education Centre in the new Groves Hospital in Fergus, Ontario. The financial contribution includes a grant of US 50,000 from LCIF.

Palvelun toteuttaminen turvallisesti Brasiliassa

Kun COVID-19-pandemia vaikutti maailmaan vuonna 2020, lionien oli löydettävä erilaisia tapoja palvella turvallisesti. Turvallisuudesta tuli tärkein prioriteetti, kun COVID-19 tuhosi yhteisöä toisensa jälkeen. Onneksi lionit kolmannen kansainvälisen varapresidentti Fabricio Oliveiran piirissä LA-5 Brasiliassa saivat 10 000 Yhdysvaltain dollarin LCIF-hätäapurahan, jotta he pystyivät hankkimaan 5000 kolminkertaista kertakäyttömaskia ja 7891 yksinkertaista kasvomaskia lahjoitettavaksi läheiselle sairaalalle, joka hoitaa… Continue reading Palvelun toteuttaminen turvallisesti Brasiliassa

Nälän torjuminen Intiassa

Minusta oli niin hämmästyttävää, että näillä leoilla oli mahdollisuus unelmoida suuria unelmia. He pystyivät laajentamaan omia näköalojaan ja laajentamaan sitä, mitä he pystyivät tekemään oman yhteisönsä hyväksi. Olin hyvin kiitollinen siitä, että sain olla mukana tässä toiminnassa. Nälkä ja aliravitsemus ovat asioita, joiden parissa Intia kamppailee päivittäin. 400 leoa ja 50 lionia Intiassa, yhdessä kansainvälisen… Continue reading Nälän torjuminen Intiassa