Smiling Faces Say It All A Brave Boy’s Struggle with Blindness 11-year-old Kuldeep Nagwanshi, a tribal boy from Kusum Dhana village near Damua, had been struggling with poor vision since early childhood. His mother, Visanti Nagwanshi, noticed something was wrong when Kuldeep couldn’t even see his toys or walk properly. The family, being economically weak,… Continue reading LEHRCP- A Brave Boy’s Struggle with Blindness
Story Category: Konstitutionelles Gebiet (CA)
Successful Diabetes Symposium 2024: A Model for Community Health Collaboration
On World Diabetes Day 2024, Lions International 325K and Leo District Council 325K, Nepal, jointly organized the Diabetes Symposium 2024. The event was a grand success, bringing together medical professionals, community members, and volunteers to raise awareness about diabetes management and prevention. This impactful initiative demonstrated the power of collaboration between Lions and Leos, showcasing… Continue reading Successful Diabetes Symposium 2024: A Model for Community Health Collaboration
Elementary anti-bullying and anti-drug activities
Lions Clubs International District 300B3 promoted anti-bullying and anti-drugs at Daxi Elementary School, and sent school bags and stationery. Love needs timely activities!
Blood glucose testing activities
Lions Clubs International taoyuan phoenix Even though it’s raining outside, it can’t stop the Phoenix Lions Club from serving the society with passion.
President, Marshalltown Evening Lions
Peace Poster “PEACE WITHOUT LIMITS” was the theme for the 2024-2025 Lions International Peace Poster competition. The Marshalltown Evening Lions hosted the Marshalltown 9MC District awards ceremony and reception at the Marshalltown Public Library. Sandra Thomae, Lenihan teacher and Marshalltown Evening Lions chairperson for the event coordinated with Nicholas Beard, Lenihan art instructor. Judging of… Continue reading President, Marshalltown Evening Lions
Diabetes Awareness Day – Batangas Saudi 101 Lions
On this special occasion of Diabetes Awareness Day, we are proud to highlight the vital role of community and healthcare awareness in managing and preventing diabetes. As part of today’s celebration, we are honored that Batangas Saudi 101 Lions Club serves as first aid and medical team at the All Filipino Community & Sports Commission… Continue reading Diabetes Awareness Day – Batangas Saudi 101 Lions
Unified Run
The Lions of Northern Greece co-organized with Special Olympics Hellas the largest unified event in Greece, specifically a Unified Run, a symbolic 1,000-meter race with 150 Special Olympics Hellas athletes, many school children from Northern Greece, and several volunteers. Unified Sports join people with and without intellectual disabilities on the same team. It was inspired… Continue reading Unified Run
Invigorated and Inspired by Attending the 2024 LCIF Convention in Melbourne
I have had the pleasure of working with Special Olympics International for the last 14 years. In early 2023, when Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) had their board meeting in Ireland, I was lucky enough to attend a supporting event hosted by Special Olympics Ireland. Many may not know this, but Special Olympics and LCIF… Continue reading Invigorated and Inspired by Attending the 2024 LCIF Convention in Melbourne
La población de San Agustín (también llamada “el quemado”) se encuentra en el Municipio de Acapulco de Juárez, en el estado de Guerrero y según el censo del Instituto Nacional de Geografía y Estadística de México (INEGI, 2020), viven alrededor de 965 habitantes, la mayoría de ocupación pescadores. Por ende, su principal fuente de ingreso… Continue reading AYUDA A DAMNIFICADOS EN ACAPULCO, MEXICO
Lions Help Hurricane Helene Victims In Eastern GA
This is the story of Lions stepping up and providing disaster relief to residents of Lincoln, McDuffie, and Wilkes Counties in eastern Georgia.