Special Olympics Poland for Ukraine

As Europe continues to navigate open war in Ukraine, the region also continues to demonstrate strong solidarity in support of refugees fleeing violence and conflict. Millions of individuals have been forced from their homes in search of safety and security, creating a deepening vulnerability for families and children alike in host communities. Through the work… Continue reading Special Olympics Poland for Ukraine

Forest fires

August… summertime… high temperatures… vacation period… The Lions from LC Saint Panteleimon had no activities planned for the month… at least we thought so. However, nature can be unpredictable. Maleshevo, a region in North Macedonia full of pine and oak woods suddenly became a burning inferno. The high fire flames did not allow extinguishing from… Continue reading Forest fires

Mission: Inclusion Romania

As part of a shared commitment to forging social inclusion worldwide, Special Olympics and the Lions Clubs International Foundation have placed an increased emphasis on the role that youth can play in making the world a more inclusive place for all. Through the transformative power of community service, youth worldwide have come together to not… Continue reading Mission: Inclusion Romania

I Lions di Prossimità

Distretto 108Yb – Sicilia VII Circoscrizione – I Riunione Sabato 19 settembre 2021 Intervento del Presidente Lions Club Augusta Host – Ing. Giovanni Garofalo Sono il Presidente del Club Augusta Host e sono un giovane Lion essendo entrato a fare parte della associazione solo pochi anni fa. Ho portato il mio entusiasmo contagioso e travolgente… Continue reading I Lions di Prossimità

I Lions di Prossimità

Distretto 108Yb – Sicilia VII Circoscrizione – I Riunione Sabato 19 settembre 2021 Intervento del Presidente Lions Club Augusta Host – Ing. Giovanni Garofalo Sono il Presidente del Club Augusta Host e sono un giovane Lion essendo entrato a fare parte della associazione solo pochi anni fa. Ho portato il mio entusiasmo contagioso e travolgente… Continue reading I Lions di Prossimità

Zusammenarbeit für eine bessere Ausgangslage der Jugend in der Ukraine

„Unser Ziel ist, jedem Kind in der Ukraine durch Lions-Quest zu helfen.“ Dieses hochgesteckte Ziel möchte Lions Past Distrikt-Governor Dr. Valentin Kravchenko mit einer erheblichen Beteiligung von Zuschüssen der Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) und lokalen Lions helfen zu erreichen. „Wir unterstützen Schulen in ihren Bemühungen, Lions-Quest zu implementieren, um allen Kindern in der Ukraine… Continue reading Zusammenarbeit für eine bessere Ausgangslage der Jugend in der Ukraine