“Everyone can help someone” A child patient was referred by most of the doctors admitted in a local hospital at Bahraich with symptoms of regular fits with loss of consciousness come to the child and white frothing comes out of his mouth. Doctor gave all the required treatments. Some tests were done, such as e.g.… Continue reading “Everyone can help someone”
Story Category: Cancro Pediatrico
Decoding Lifelines with Leo Lion Dr. Agrawal
“Childhood Cancer” is still something that strikes fear into everyone’s hearts, producing a deep sense of powerlessness. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. With awareness, there is hope, so let us try our best spread the word. As the second episode of our signature project “Decoding Lifelines with Leo Lion Dr. Agrawal”, our Charter as… Continue reading Decoding Lifelines with Leo Lion Dr. Agrawal
Campane del coraggio
Scopri come i Lions e la Global HOPE sostengono i bambini che combattono il cancro.
Cure specialistiche per i malati di cancro
Un contributo LCIF aiuta i bambini malati di cancro a ottenere cure genetiche mirate…
Progetto genoma per il cancro infantile
Scopri come un socio Lions sopravvissuto al cancro aiuta i bambini a ricevere le migliori cure possibili…
Assistere i sopravvissuti al cancro infantile
Scopri come i soci Lions in Bosnia ed Erzegovina si prendono cura dell’infanzia…