International Director

This is a Campaign 100 Story. As an ID I was challenged to do something “fun” to raise money for Campaign 100. I spoke with PID Jim Cavallaro and we agreed to shave our mustaches with over 100 years of combined growth if we raised $10,000 from the sale of $25 tickets. We started in… Continue reading International Director


Dear Mr. President Douglas X. Alexander: The impact in a community and the capacity of Lions members better can serve, we have a good example, in one recently received Grant to “Citizen Health and Dignity” – MAT17774/LD 5, with construction of one more unity to Hospital in a little city named Monte Castelo, in our… Continue reading UMA CIDADE AGRADECIDA

Food for All

In Bangladesh we are passing the most difficult stage of COVID-19 last few months. Government had to declare lockdown to control the spread of this virus. We have many daily earners in our country who are struggling to have their normal daily food. So it’s creating a very difficult time for them. We, the Lions… Continue reading Food for All

용기의 종

소아암 환아들을 지원하는 라이온들과 글로벌 홉의 활동 모습을 확인하세요.

소아암 환아들을 지원하는 라이온들과 글로벌 홉의 활동 모습을 확인하세요.

시력: 라이온스 시력우선 마다가스카르

LCIF와 마다가스카르 라이온들이 함께 만들어 낸 감동적인 이야기를 확인하세요.

LCIF와 마다가스카르 라이온들이 함께 만들어 낸 감동적인 이야기를 확인하세요.

유타 주 시력 검사

보험이 없거나 충분하지 않은 어린이들에게 주요 안과 서비스를 제공하는 라이온들을 만나보세요.