Retinopathy of Prematurity

HAVE YOU HEARD OF “RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY”? “Retinopathy of prematurity” is a condition whereby the retina of a premature infant may have been damaged. If not diagnosed and treated immediately, the result could lead to blindness. Common diagnosis required a physical examination of the retina after the pupils have been dilated with drops – an… Continue reading Retinopathy of Prematurity

Virtual Events in Romania

Special Olympics Romania has sustained its strong relationship with Lions during lockdown, implementing virtual activities; activating 18 Leos through two online Unified Sports coach seminars; and creating and distributing video coaching materials to all Leo Club coordinators in Bucharest, Bacau and Deva.

Abriendo Ojos en Guatemala

Los estudios muestran que 4 de cada 10 atletas de las Olimpiadas Especiales en América Latina nunca se han sometido a un examen de la vista. En respuesta a esta necesidad, las Olimpiadas Especiales de Guatemala organizaron un evento de Abriendo Ojos durante el cual 51 atletas recibieron exámenes de la vista. El evento fue… Continue reading Abriendo Ojos en Guatemala

Strengthening the Partnership in Jamaica

Special Olympics Jamaica continues its strong relationship with Lions and Leos. At a Unified Football and Healthy Athletes screening event, Leos served as volunteers and unified partners, Lions as non-clinical volunteers at the Opening Eyes screening. In addition, Jamaica hosted a floorball training for all Caribbean Program leaders.

The Fall from Heaven

To many, Australia is heaven on Earth. North to south, massive Australia offers diverse and breathtaking landscapes, lush rainforests in the northeast transforming to majestic mountain ranges in the country’s south. Natural beauty combined with cosmopolitan flair are no doubt among the reasons 26 million people call the Land Down Under home and where millions… Continue reading The Fall from Heaven