Proud LEO

The Largest Leo Club in Bangladesh The Leo Club of BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology, is a place where you can find both self-improvement and self-satisfaction. Leadership, experience, opportunity.” These three combine to form an ideal Leo. We do service programs for self-satisfaction and we do various kinds of workshops, competitions for self-improvement. Our… Continue reading Proud LEO

Tree Plantation Challenge

Leos from Leo Club Of BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology are concerned about the environment and thus planted 283 trees. #TheyPlantTreedForTheFutureGeneration #ReduceGlobalWarming #ReduceCarbonEmission #MakeTheEarthEvenGreener #FutureIsLeo

300-C1區 自治獅子會捐助惠明盲校大禮堂地磚社會服務

The service of Huiming School for the Blind is 24 hours a day. Depending on the seriousness of the students with multiple disabilities, small class teaching and education are required in terms of study and life. The manpower and financial resources required are larger than those of ordinary students, and the adoption fee is beneficial.… Continue reading 300-C1區 自治獅子會捐助惠明盲校大禮堂地磚社會服務