We do not plant trees, we plant future
Lions Club Lucknow Premier District 321B1 patron PDG Lion Gurnam Singh said our story of pride was on making the environment green. We involved people from all walks of life… we included old aged and destitute, University students, children with special needs, our helpers at home and our neighborhood so as to create awareness in every section of society.
We started environmental week with planting 500 trees at Sarsawan village close to Omaxe City, who in turn undertook the responsibility project further by taking care of the plants.
Our next initiative was at “Mother Teresa Home for Destitute and Leprosy” wherein our aim was to give health and therapeutic benefits to them along with an opportunity to keep themselves involved but also apply their knowledge and skills.
Our next action was to involve mentally and physically challenged children from ‘Chetna Institute ’ where every child was given a plant to sow in their school vicinity and be responsible for the same so that it not only makes a positive impact on their mental growth, but also giving them a sense of responsibility, raising their self-esteem, and helping them to learn about planting and being close to nature
Another activity was conducted at Balrampur Hospital where we gave away oxygen boosters big Peepal trees. We wanted to plant trees in the hospital to combat health challenges. Dr. Rajeev Lochan, the director of Balrampur Hospital, gave each tree a name of the doctor from his team and made that particular doctor responsible for that tree.
Another activity was conducted at Community Park which was recently restored by the local community and local government body. So we planted few plants and trees. This was our effort to do good to the neighborhood and society as whole.
Lastly, we had a grand finale of our “Environment Week” into planting trees both medicinal, fruits and other trees at Lucknow University, where we planted trees so as to create a green and carbon emission environment for students and the staff as Lion Superna Trehan, President of the club narrated.
Lion Bishwnath Chowdhury 1st Vice District Governor of the District 321B1 and member of Lions Club Lucknow Premier said we continued by doing an activity within the club members, each one teach one to plant one where we started with giving our helpers two plants and asked further to give it to their friend a plant and make sure that the chain don’t break.
As per District Governor 321B1 Lion Brajesh Mohan Srivastava that in way we all Lions of our District are restoring the entire ecosystem but we are not just ending our story here in fact it’s the beginning of our Story of Pride.