Paper Bags Making and Distribution.
Event Name: Paper Bag making Competition and Distribution.
Event Type: Leo Club of Junnar Shivneri took an initiative and all the student participants made paper bags with their hands. Also we distributed it to Grampanchayat.
Project In charge : Leo Shweta Shinde and Leo Dhanashree Gunjal
Name of Mentors : Lion Jitendra Gunjal and Lion Sandeep Mutha
Name of Judge : Lion Anjali Gunjal
Total number of Participants: 300
Total number of paper bags collected: 600-700
Objective of the event: Reduce the plastic pollution
Outcome of event: Enhance paper bag use and Reduce the plastic waste
12 July is celebrated as Paper Bag Day to make people aware of the pollution caused due to plastic and the serious threat that it poses to nature. Leo Club of Junnar Shivneri had organized Paper Bag making competition for students from LKG to 10th. Paper bag making competition is Leo’s first activity. We approached headmasters of our locality (Junnar taluka, Maharashtra) and also gave it a try for the city region (Pune and Mumbai, India). We were overwhelmed by participation. Around 250-300 students participated in this competition and we made them aware of using paper bags and not to use plastic bags. Moreover, students prepared more than 1 bag. We received 600-700 paper bags from students. Total Leo volunteers present were 15 and total volunteering hours were 5 hours.
Paper bags are 100% reusable, recyclable and biodegradable, environment friendly and less threat to wildlife. It requires less energy for paper bags to be recycled than plastic bags. Total 600 paper bags collected and distributed at Narayangaon Grampanchayat. Sarpanch of Narayangaon acknowledged our team work. I would like to appreciate journalists for recognizing Leo Club work in Daily Lokmat, Pudhari, Punaya nagari, Sakal for appreciating our work.
Leo Dr. Dhanashree Gunjal.
President, Leo Club of Junnar Shivneri.
Treasurer, Leo District Club 3234 D2.
Joint Secretary D2, Leo Multiple 3234.