A prestigious project of Lions Club Balrampur District 321B1.
The members of Lions Club Balrampur took the leading initiative and brick by brick the dream was in shape. The OPD was started on 2nd October 1990 by Dr. Manohar Singh, the renowned Eye Surgeon of Bahraich coinciding with the birthday of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi.
A project was submitted to LCIF in ‘Sight First’ in 1992 which was sanctioned 1 lakh US $ in 1993.
By the sincere efforts of the members of Lions Club Balrampur, the Hospital is providing valuable services, in the field of eye care, treatment & operations, to the people of this area. The hospital is serving an average of 100 outdoor patients everyday, some of them coming even from places situated 100 to 150 kms. away. It attracts patients even from Nepal, the adjoining country. The number of surgeries have also increased considerably, 60 to 150 per month, depending upon the season. We also conduct one or two free eye camps per month and screening camps around the district in remote areas.
Villagers with eye problems find it difficult to get treatment, even coming to Balrampur for want of escort facilities, transport and poverty. To overcome this problem this hospital has started Out Reach Projects. The object of the project is to provide latest eye care to the villagers at their door steps . The hospital is conducting three to four screening camps per month in the remote areas of the district with the help of Lions Club Balrampur . We will be able to start more camps in this the program as soon as we have an additional doctors and supporting technical staff .
The existing building is sufficient to start corneal transplant, retinal and vitreous work, but the hospital needs the supporting instruments, as well as the doctor and the staff. The procedures considered cosmetic have become normal and natural choice of the poorest of patients. So it is imperative for all service providers to change with time and cater the needs of the society in modern ways as far as possible. Keeping this philosophy in view, the availability of present instruments and appliances are still not sufficient in the hospital.
To cater to the remote inaccessible regions of the district, a well equipped satellite center will be started in different adjoining areas of need, for which hospital will need to buy a bus or a big van which will be used in these out reach programs. To conduct school children survey in the city and in the rural areas of this district. To start low vision center at the eye hospital. Conduct house to house survey in all the localities of the city for detecting visual problems. To establish three vision center at various places in the district to cater to the inaccessible regions .
Through the conservation, research and development of its collections, and the provision of the broadest possible public and professional, intellectual and physical access,
• raise awareness, understanding and knowledge of the development and practice of surgery and related medical sciences in this region.
• raise awareness, understanding and knowledge of the significance of this hospital in the development and practice of ophthalmic surgery.
At present, approximately one hundred patients are examined and treated per day. Since the beginning year 1990 of the hospital till now total 5 lacs 60 Thousand patients have been examined. Out of these, total 60,700 were operated. In these operations, total 20,000 Cataract surgeries have been performed and out of these figure, 4400 by SICS & 15600 by Phaco method have been done.