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Leadership Story of Ben Haack- Service and Inclusion

David Evangelista Special Olympics CA4 – Europa My name is Ben Haack. I’m a Special Olympics Athlete who has been involved with Special Olympics for 23 years as an athlete, board member and now staff. I live in Australia, and first got involved in the Special Olympics-Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) “Mission: Inclusion” global partnership… Continue reading Leadership Story of Ben Haack- Service and Inclusion


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LCIF: Transforming Lives Through Service

LCIF Marketing Diabetes CA1 – USA The Lions Club Bujumbura Doyen utilized an LCIF grant to provide screening and treatment for diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. Go to Stories of Pride × LCIF: Transforming Lives Through Service

Letter to Lion Ed Cordes from Joan Wilson and the entire Board of Bampa’s House

LCIF Marketing Humanitarian Relief CA1 – USA Dear Ed, Since receiving the matching grant from the Lions Clubs International Foundation, an amazing amount of progress has been made. Thanks in part to this funding, we purchased and renovated a vacant building in 2018, and then hired an architect to help us design a Comfort Care… Continue reading Letter to Lion Ed Cordes from Joan Wilson and the entire Board of Bampa’s House

Special Olympics Somalia National Director Dr.Salad Mohamed said with support from LCIF SO Somalia making difference for health Sector

Yasir Yusuf Special Olympics CA8 – Africa Since collabse of Somalia once termed the “switzerland of Africa” However 1992 every thing goes upside down Special Olympics Somalia hosted first time in three decades a successful Healthy Athlet as the launch of the first ever Young Rural Athlete Health Model (AH) program at Galmudug and SSC-Khatumo… Continue reading Special Olympics Somalia National Director Dr.Salad Mohamed said with support from LCIF SO Somalia making difference for health Sector

Bonaire- Solidarity, Sport and Service Mission: Inclusion across the Caribbean

David Evangelista Special Olympics CA4 – Europa Nestled in the Caribbean, the Dutch island of Bonaire boasts of pristine landscapes, a most welcoming citizenry, a strong cultural heritage – and much more. Among the many accolades for Bonaire, perhaps one of the most exciting is their commitment to service and solidarity for those most on… Continue reading Bonaire- Solidarity, Sport and Service Mission: Inclusion across the Caribbean


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Inauguration of Lion Shilpi Diabetes Care – 1st Permanent Project of Khulna Paigram Kasba Lions Club

Bellal Hossain Diabetes CA6 – Isame Inauguration of Lion Shilpi Diabetes Care . Inaugurated by Ln Qazi Akramuddin Ahmed PJMF .International Director. Lions Clubs International. 1st Permanent Project of Khulna Paigram Kasba Lions Club Go to Stories of Pride × Inauguration of Lion Shilpi Diabetes Care – 1st Permanent Project of Khulna Paigram Kasba Lions… Continue reading Inauguration of Lion Shilpi Diabetes Care – 1st Permanent Project of Khulna Paigram Kasba Lions Club