Food Distribution services by Leo Club of Dhaka Ca

We the Leo Club of Dhaka Capital II was arranged food Distribution services program for the hunger. The officers of the club are very much active on their services for the people we do this work in every month. Md. Moshiur Rahman Club Treasurer Leo club of Dhaka Capital II Leo District Council 315,B3

Leo Lion Share Program

With a humanitarian efforts, ten Leo members from our club Leo Club of Gauhati voluntarily donated $20 each, a total of $200 towards Leo Lion Share Program making a philanthropic contribution.

Hunger Relief

Donated 400 food packets to the physically disabled and old age people who came for medical checkup.

Zone Chairperson

Lions: Ration Distribution for Famine and drought Effected Communcity in Somalia Hunger relief activity in Muqdisho implemented by LC Mugadishu in partnership with Bacadmark business group to distribute different items to those vulnerable families ,Malnourished Children ,Women and old people. The funds were used for a hunger relief project integrating different items including, beverages, dates,… Continue reading Zone Chairperson

Field Trip to Mcdonalds

It was my wish was to take the children of SOS Village Sialkot, to McDonald’s, for enjoying fast food. Upon hearing that the children had not left the village past 2 years because of covid, instead of delivering, Saira Naz of SOS and me decided to invite a total of 140, children + 20 staff… Continue reading Field Trip to Mcdonalds

LCIF:s påverkan: Från hungrig till hoppfull – LCIF hjälper Lions i Indien med mat till hungriga barn

Hungersnöd är ett vanligt problem runtom i världen. Det påverkar hela samhällen, speciellt barn, på sätt som inte kan mätas. I Indien lider två av fem barn av undernäring, vilket kan leda till sjukdom, hämmad tillväxt samt försenad fysisk och mental utveckling. I Indien stödjer Anganwadis barn på landsbygden som lider brist på mat, vilken… Continue reading LCIF:s påverkan: Från hungrig till hoppfull – LCIF hjälper Lions i Indien med mat till hungriga barn

Recovery of food surpluses

The project of the Lions Club Bergamo Host, District 108IB2, is the result of a teamwork between Lions and Leos of the whole district, institutions and associations. It is based on the recovery and distribution of surplus food, for disposal but still usable through an efficient network for the collection and redistribution for the benefit… Continue reading Recovery of food surpluses