Extensive Flooding in Pakistan

Glenside Lions (201C1) have donated $10,000 to Médecins Sans Frontières to assist their efforts in providing relief to people affected by the floods there. One-third of Pakistan is now underwater from extensive flooding due to an exceptionally heavy monsoon season. The widespread destruction is affecting some 33 million people. Médecins Sans Frontières/ Doctors Without Borders… Continue reading Extensive Flooding in Pakistan

From Eyeglasses to Estate Gift

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) recently received a US$2.8 million estate gift from an anonymous donor. After learning from a trusted friend and financial advisor that eyeglasses that no longer worked well could be donated to a local Lions club, this generous donor dropped off used eyeglasses in the club’s eyeglasses collection bin. The experience… Continue reading From Eyeglasses to Estate Gift

Medical support for Ukraine

67 000.00 EUR – both your goodness was taken to another war zone in Ukraine. Medicines – 55 000.00 EUR and medical surgical instruments 12 000.00 EUR. The cargo was delivered with the help of the Ukrainian embassy to the Kiev hospital, which treats wounded soldiers and civilians from all over Ukraine. Medicine and equipment… Continue reading Medical support for Ukraine

Support for Ukraine

The Lithuanian Lions Association delivers cargo to the destinations indicated by the Embassy of Ukraine. This time it’s for volunteer regiments and the Kiev Military Hospital. We get photos from Ukrainian volunteers who are smiling because they got food, medicine, socks and warm sleeping bags. And the day is brighter for them. How many wonderful… Continue reading Support for Ukraine

Come to Borsch support Ukraine – Kaunas

In the face of the war in the neighboring country, we were able to mobilize and honor all the people of Ukraine, and at the same time generously donated as much as 33 thousand euros, which will go directly to the support of the Ukrainians.