Recycled Eyeglasses Distribution and Screening

This year Missouri Lions have distributed over 1306 recycled eyeglasses in the state of Missouri to those who can’t afford to purchase glasses or have an eye exam. This is with 29 missions with seven more scheduled within the state.

Inclusive Playgrounds in District 12

Supporting our District12 N in 2 different inclusive playgrounds has changed lives not only for individuals but also families and communities. What an amazing way to see the project from conception to reality. So many smiles on the faces of all using the inclusive playground. This would not have been possible without LCIF!! Thank you!

Tornado Relief

Tornado in NW Arkansas destroyed a small town. Our Lions trailer went there immediately and handed out needed supplies which emptied the trailer. Dean Roland immediately applied for a grant. When the community realized how much Lions helped they decided to have a day people could bring things to refill the trailer. Not only did… Continue reading Tornado Relief

Backpacks for Students in Need

For over 13 years, Ventura Downtown Lions Club has helped create backpacks for students in need. This year, in cooperation with Ventura Rotary Clubs, 800 backpacks were packed and delivered to school sites that are part of Ventura Unified School District.

Hurricane Debbie Support

Hurricane Debbie slowly crossed Florida and Coastal Georgia, dropping as much as 16 inches of water in several areas. The Lions of Hinesville Georgia donated cases of bottled water, cleaning supplies, and snack foods to Firming Church, which was an area significantly affected by the floods. They have acted as a source for our distribution.… Continue reading Hurricane Debbie Support


《11歲的小小義工:假日助力台北市典範獅子會募血活動》 上週末,11歲的劉品寬小朋友在台北市典範獅子會舉辦的募血活動中,展現了驚人的責任感與熱情。儘管年紀尚小,品寬卻在現場負責分發舉牌宣傳捐血活動、引導民眾並鼓勵他們參與捐血。這次活動共募集到13250cc珍貴的血液,而品寬小朋友的努力功不可沒。他的無私奉獻不僅溫暖了需要幫助的人,也為自己樹立了榜樣,展示了年輕一代對社會的關懷與責任心。


國際獅子會 300 A3區台北市典範獅子會 在這次活動中,我們陪伴弱勢兒童一同前往台中東勢(梨最珍貴果園)農場,進行一系列有意義的活動,包括採水梨、植樹、環境保護,並帶領這些孩子們前往孤兒院捐助日常用品。 活動安排; 採水梨:讓孩子們親身體驗農作的樂趣,了解農業生產的過程。 植樹:教育孩子們關於環境保護的重要性,並親手種下希望的樹苗。 環境保護:進行農場周邊的清潔活動,培養孩子們的環保意識。 捐助活動:帶領孩子們前往當地孤兒院,捐贈日常用品,並與孤兒院的孩子們互動,傳遞愛心和關懷。 這次活動不僅是一次難得的體驗,更是我們向社會傳遞關愛的具體行動。 共同為這些弱勢兒童帶來歡樂和希望。 感謝各位獅兄獅姐的支持與參與! #善的動力愛的啟航

Earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria

Glenside Lions, 201S1, have donated $5,000 to the LCIF Earthquake Appeal for Türkiye and Syria. According to the Government of Türkiye, at least 3,381 people died and more than 20,000 were injured after a 7.8 magnitude quake struck close to the southern city of Gaziantep, followed by another 7.5 magnitude earthquake several hours later. Almost… Continue reading Earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria