Marking the World malaria day 2022

*CALABAR UNIQUE LIONS AND LEO CLUBS* marks *WORLD MALARIA DAY 2022* *Harness innovation to reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives at: *Government Model Secondary School, Uwanse* Joining the students to tidy up the immediate school environment, Giving an awareness talk on *MALARIA* and the *ENVIRONMENT* Distributing Antimalarial drugs to the students.

Food Distribution services by Leo Club of Dhaka Ca

We the Leo Club of Dhaka Capital II was arranged food Distribution services program for the hunger. The officers of the club are very much active on their services for the people we do this work in every month. Md. Moshiur Rahman Club Treasurer Leo club of Dhaka Capital II Leo District Council 315,B3

Multi Activity Service Camp

A multi-activity service camp by Lions Club Of Coochbehar SAMARPAN on 13/03/22 provided free medical check up including free medicine, sanitizer and napkins were distributed with blanket / clothes, along with food for all. A total of 750 beneficiaries were assisted in this camp .

Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine

Glenside Lions have donated $10,000 to Ukraine to provide humanitarian assistance to people affected by the war. There is a humanitarian crisis. The fighting has impacted schools, hospitals and orphanages. Homes have been damaged or destroyed. Medical supplies are running low and millions of people are without access to safe water. More than 4.3 million… Continue reading Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine

I Lions di Prossimità

Distretto 108Yb – Sicilia VII Circoscrizione – I Riunione Sabato 19 settembre 2021 Intervento del Presidente Lions Club Augusta Host – Ing. Giovanni Garofalo Sono il Presidente del Club Augusta Host e sono un giovane Lion essendo entrato a fare parte della associazione solo pochi anni fa. Ho portato il mio entusiasmo contagioso e travolgente… Continue reading I Lions di Prossimità

Leo Lion Share Program

With a humanitarian efforts, ten Leo members from our club Leo Club of Gauhati voluntarily donated $20 each, a total of $200 towards Leo Lion Share Program making a philanthropic contribution.

I Lions di Prossimità

Distretto 108Yb – Sicilia VII Circoscrizione – I Riunione Sabato 19 settembre 2021 Intervento del Presidente Lions Club Augusta Host – Ing. Giovanni Garofalo Sono il Presidente del Club Augusta Host e sono un giovane Lion essendo entrato a fare parte della associazione solo pochi anni fa. Ho portato il mio entusiasmo contagioso e travolgente… Continue reading I Lions di Prossimità