Social Change Maker Award

Glenside Lions Club won the award for the Social Change Maker Category at the City of Burnside Business Awards Ceremony last night. We were one of three finalists in the category. The event was hosted by Mayor Anne Monceaux and City CEO Chris Cowley. Representing our Club were President John Standingford, Cathy Greven and Yee… Continue reading Social Change Maker Award

Promoting Good Mental Health and Well-Being

Childhood. It’s not always easy. Nor are the adolescent years. Developing socially, and maturing emotionally and intellectually, can be challenging. Other factors overwhelming too many of our youth include peer pressure; insecure home lives; and school environments in which students feel unsafe, unwelcome, or uncared for. Fortunately, students in Australia and worldwide are gaining valuable… Continue reading Promoting Good Mental Health and Well-Being

Educational materials were handed over to 80 students

Everyone is thalassemia patient. Poor. So they are having problems to study. They contacted the Contai Leo club for help. With the financial support of the Contai Lions Club, the Leo members handed over the educational materials to these students. Educational materials were handed over to 80 students. The project cost 75 dollars.

Contai Lions Club B.M Eye Hospital

Bholanath Memorial Eye Hospital’ of LC Contai (030139) started functioning since 29th December,2002 in own partly three storied building comprising floor area of 6600.00 sft situated on 0.09 Acre land at central location of the town. This most prestigious signature club project runs under Bholanath Memorial Trust and has gathered popularity within Purba Medinipur district… Continue reading Contai Lions Club B.M Eye Hospital

Compassion is important

Our club was formed in 1963. In 2011, the three clubs of Kobe Suma, Kobe Maiko, and Kobe Ichinotani merged to become the current Kobe Suma Lions Club, and in 2011 it celebrated its 10th anniversary. To commemorate this, under the chairman’s theme of “Responding to Change,” we presented “Snoezelen Supplies” to Hyogo Prefectural Children’s… Continue reading Compassion is important

Food for All

Lions club of Dhaka Shamoli distributed food among more100 families at Naogaon city, a district in Bangladesh.


ライオンズ・奉仕デーに地区内一斉清掃を実施。(公園・駅・道路そして海岸などの清掃活動) 地区シェアリング交付金を活用して、地区内全クラブ(69クラブ)へライオンズクラブをPRする「のぼり」を作成、配布した。 清掃奉仕中にライオンズの「のぼり」を掲げることで地域社会への広報活動となり、またSNSなどで当日の様子をアップすることで、さらに奉仕のインパクトを得られ、他地区からも強い関心を得られた。 この事業が毎年地区全体を挙げての継続的なアクティビティとなることを期待し、また、地域社会の人々にライオンズクラブの認知度がさらにアップすることを願っております。

Inclusão através do serviço para pessoas em movimento

Uma mensagem de Gerald Mballe: Como um refugiado que se beneficiou de seu generoso apoio, desejo primeiramente estender minha gratidão a Lions Clubs International e à Fundação de Lions Clubs International por apoiar aqueles que estão à margem. Sei que falo em nome de muitos refugiados e migrantes quando expresso estes sinceros agradecimentos. A generosidade… Continue reading Inclusão através do serviço para pessoas em movimento