Forest fires

August… summertime… high temperatures… vacation period… The Lions from LC Saint Panteleimon had no activities planned for the month… at least we thought so. However, nature can be unpredictable. Maleshevo, a region in North Macedonia full of pine and oak woods suddenly became a burning inferno. The high fire flames did not allow extinguishing from… Continue reading Forest fires

Mission: Inclusion Romania

As part of a shared commitment to forging social inclusion worldwide, Special Olympics and the Lions Clubs International Foundation have placed an increased emphasis on the role that youth can play in making the world a more inclusive place for all. Through the transformative power of community service, youth worldwide have come together to not… Continue reading Mission: Inclusion Romania

Food items served at Drought and Famine Effected

Food items at famine and IDPs were served jointly with Leos to needy children. This is in response to huge famine taking place in Horn of Africa. We thank the Leadership of Lion Yasir Abdi Yusuf

We Serve Taken to the Next Level

We serve. That’s the Lions motto. After seeing the unbelievable, needless, pointless attack by Russia on Ukraine, one Fort Collins Lion felt like he, personally, needed to do something to help which prompted an amazing journey. After contacting a Ukrainian Lions Club, he connected with their sister club, Poznan Rotunda Lions Club, in Poland who… Continue reading We Serve Taken to the Next Level

스페셜 올림픽과 LCIF ‘사명: 포용’

우크라이나 전쟁은 제2차 세계 대전 이후 유럽 내 전례 없는 최대의 난민 위기를 초래했습니다. 수백만 명의 난민들이 안전한 곳을 찾아 우크라이나를 떠났고, 또 수백만 명의 사람들이 국경을 넘을 방법을 급하게 찾고 있습니다. 유엔난민기구(UNHCR)의 통계에 따르면, 2월 24일 이후 5백만 명 이상의 우크라이나인들이 인접 국가로 대피했으며 이들 대부분은 아이와 함께 이주한 여성과 노인이라고 합니다. 이 중에는… Continue reading 스페셜 올림픽과 LCIF ‘사명: 포용’