Adoption of a School

Member of Lions Club Lucknow Century District 321B1 Lion Dr. Rama Kant (Retired professor of King Georg’s Medical University, Lucknow) saw a child searching some food in the spread over trash, and garbage of local residents in Vikas Nagar. Dogs and pigs were competing with him. They talked to that child Ghisa, an 8-year-old student… Continue reading Adoption of a School

Way to Ambulance

Whenever an ambulance’s red light is flashing.. Whenever its siren is on… It means a life is at stake… You must give way to the ambulance… So that it can quickly get to the scene to treat the sick or injured.. Save Lives. Give way to ambulances… With the increasing traffic on the roads, ambulances… Continue reading Way to Ambulance

Environment and We

Lions Club Lucknow Kapurthala District 321B1 and NCC cadets of Government Girls Inter College Shahmina Road took a pledge to protect the environment by planting trees in the college premises on the occasion of the conclusion of the Service Week. Cleanliness drive was organized by Lions Club Lucknow Kapurthala and UP Battalion of NCC, in… Continue reading Environment and We

Mohan’s Handcart

Every evening, I walk on my balcony. Often while walking, I used to see a middle-aged woman working in the neighborhood coming and going. She seemed very upset and sad. Seeing her, many questions used to arise in my mind. I wanted to know what turmoil she lives in and what is the worry that… Continue reading Mohan’s Handcart

Be The Change

Mahatma Gandhi famously said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” In other words, although life changes are inevitable, we can also initiate personal change so we can rise to the challenge and become a bigger and better person as a result. Realizing Be the Change on the occasion of… Continue reading Be The Change