Food Distribution services by Leo Club of Dhaka Ca

We the Leo Club of Dhaka Capital II was arranged food Distribution services program for the hunger. The officers of the club are very much active on their services for the people we do this work in every month. Md. Moshiur Rahman Club Treasurer Leo club of Dhaka Capital II Leo District Council 315,B3

Multi Activity Service Camp

A multi-activity service camp by Lions Club Of Coochbehar SAMARPAN on 13/03/22 provided free medical check up including free medicine, sanitizer and napkins were distributed with blanket / clothes, along with food for all. A total of 750 beneficiaries were assisted in this camp .

Leo Lion Share Program

With a humanitarian efforts, ten Leo members from our club Leo Club of Gauhati voluntarily donated $20 each, a total of $200 towards Leo Lion Share Program making a philanthropic contribution.

Funds For A Surgery

Sialkot Women Lions Club, present in Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan, had received a case of leg surgery, for a guy aged 34 years, who had a car accident few years back. He required surgery for one of his legs and was short on amount, as in the previous years he underwent numerous operations, as both his… Continue reading Funds For A Surgery

Hunger Relief

Donated 400 food packets to the physically disabled and old age people who came for medical checkup.

Field Trip to Mcdonalds

It was my wish was to take the children of SOS Village Sialkot, to McDonald’s, for enjoying fast food. Upon hearing that the children had not left the village past 2 years because of covid, instead of delivering, Saira Naz of SOS and me decided to invite a total of 140, children + 20 staff… Continue reading Field Trip to Mcdonalds

LCIF의 영향력: 굶주린 이웃들에게 희망을, LCIF는 굶주린 아이들을 돌보는 인도 라이온들을 지원합니다

기아는 전 세계적으로 만연한 문제로, 지역사회, 특히 아이들에게 다방면으로 안 좋은 영향을 미칩니다. 인도에서는 다섯 명 중 두 명의 어린이가 영양실조를 겪고 있으며, 이는 질병, 발달 저해, 신체 및 정서 발달 지연으로 이어질 수 있습니다. 이렇게 식량 불안정으로 고통받는 인도 시골 지역의 아이들을 돕기 위해 정부가 운영하고 있는 어린이 보육 센터 안간와디는 6세 이하 어린이들의… Continue reading LCIF의 영향력: 굶주린 이웃들에게 희망을, LCIF는 굶주린 아이들을 돌보는 인도 라이온들을 지원합니다