We Serve Taken to the Next Level
We serve. That’s the Lions motto. After seeing the unbelievable, needless, pointless attack by Russia on Ukraine, one Fort Collins Lion felt like he, personally, needed to do something to help which prompted an amazing journey.
After contacting a Ukrainian Lions Club, he connected with their sister club, Poznan Rotunda Lions Club, in Poland who was supporting refugee efforts. Our Lion and his wife put together 40 “art kits” that included a sketch pad, colored pencils, a sharpener, water color paint for the younger kids and a little cloth bag to keep it all together. The kits would be given to children arriving in Poland after fleeing Ukraine with not much more than the clothes they were wearing. He hoped these kits would give the children some diversion from their situation. After checking on shipping costs, he decided to deliver the bags himself and spend a week volunteering wherever he was needed. He volunteered at shelters, met refugees and listened to their stories which were heartbreaking, and had the opportunity to spend time with some of the Lions in Poznan. He saw the selfless generosity of the Polish people helping these refugees day after day and knew he had made the right decision to go.
On a hopeful note, the young 11-year-old, Vadim, who is staying with one of the Polish Lions is an excellent artist. He received the last art kit and this is what he created. The words mean “peace and kindness.”
As a result of our Lion’s trip to Poland to help the Ukrainian refugees, the Fort Collins Lions sent $10,500.00 to the Poznan Rotunda Lions Club to help the refugees arriving in Poland.