SAND CITY Lions Club, Dist 322C5 (INDIA) organised MONTHLY MEGA SERVICE CAMP at Bardhanpur Gram Panchayat. The Mega Service Camp is comprised of Diabetes Detection & Awareness among village people. Eye Screening of 90 elderly above 40 yrs of age was also done and 34 cataract patients were identified and operated on free of cost at Balasore Lions Eye Hospital. General Health Check-Up Camp was done by Specialised Doctors – Gynaecologist, Medicine, Physiotherapy, & Homoeopathy – A total of 342 persons benefited from this mega camp. Blood Collection was also done. 50 youths donated blood to Odisha Blood Bank (Balasore Branch).
Four global causes of Lions Clubs International Foundation were our focus. Vision, Diabetes, Hunger, and Plantation. Our Club is celebrating its 25th Charter Anniversary and from July’22 onwards, we are conducting such mega service camps on monthly basis at different village locations.
In our HUNGER Activity, we are providing monthly meals to the students of Lions UMANG Creche Centre & to Ananda Marga School, School of Deaf, Dumb & Blind students occasionally.
The support of our member SAND CITY LIONS is remarkable in terms of funding service projects and sparing their valuable time also.