Dear Mr. President Douglas X. Alexander:
The impact in a community and the capacity of Lions members better can serve, we have a good example, in one recently received Grant to “Citizen Health and Dignity” – MAT17774/LD 5, with construction of one more unity to Hospital in a little city named Monte Castelo, in our District LD5, in Santa Catarina, Brazil.
One new kitchen and laundry, clothes room, and beds rooms, to increase this Hospital that attends more cities around and the people injured in much car and trucks accidents in the important BR-116 Road that cross the city.
With this we can re-open the Lions Club of that city, involving the members in this work until finished the build. Now the Lions Club is in growth movement, and the Major city administration is happy and interested in our Association.
All city and Lions Clubs around are proud and interested in work better.
Lion Ireneo Valdir dos Santos – LCIF District LD-5 Coordinator