Sensory Trail Opens
The Winchester Host Lions Club’s sensory trail in Jim Barnett Park to aid the blind and visually impaired, was officially opened last Sunday, September 26. This project started 6 years ago when Lions Clubs International asked clubs to consider a Legacy Project to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Lions Clubs International that would benefit their community. We are so proud to have this project completed and will continue to enhance it. Pictured at the ribbon cutting, left to right are Wyatt Phelps; Caz Zuckerman, secretary of the Lions Club; Charley Phelps; Chris Konyar, director of Winchester Parks and Recreation; Morgan Phelps; Sabra Veach, president of the Lions Club; Chris Walker, president of the Winchester Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind; behind Walker is Jim Smith, project manager of the Audubon Arboretum Project for the Northern Shenandoah Valley Audubon Society; Dan Hoffman, Winchester city manager; and David Smith, Winchester mayor. The trail is accessed from the right corner of the Jones Funeral Home parking lot at 228 S. Pleasant Valley.