Lions with Lifesaving Oxygen Cylinder
It was the middle of December last year. At late midnight my mobile phone rang. An unknown scared female voice appealed for an oxygen cylinder for her Covid-affected father suffering from acute breathing problem. She telephoned everywhere she knew for a cylinder but in vain. Somehow she thought that Lions Club could arrange something. At that time there was no oxygen bank at LC Bishnupur Central. But hearing her bursting cry, I ran to my Secretary Mr. Bhakat’s house as I know that he has a cylinder of his own. It was half filled. By 15 minutes of the phone call the dying person was provided oxygen. And by the sake of God he survived.
Our journey started. We started hunting for oxygen cylinders everywhere. Even we wanted to buy cylinders though it was sold at the black market. We appealed to our members to sponsor some. Four of them came forward promising to sponsor one cylinder each. We emailed many companies and contacted our multiple district leaders for help. PID Lion Bishnu Bajoria ji informed that he was also trying to get some Aluminum cylinders from Mumbai. He also told that something would surely be arranged.
At that very time our respected PDG Lion Rathin Majumdar promised to lend 2 cylinders from his own club’s stock. We immediately ran to him and received those two cylinders. But those two cylinders would not reach our club house as beneficiaries stood on road to get those. Only one to two cylinders were there then.
After a week with the help of Lion Tripti from Bankura we bought three cylinders from a vendor of Gurgaon with the financial help of our respected members Lion Phalguni Das, Lion Ashis Biswas and Lion Santosh Jain.
1+2+3 cylinders were there. We announced officially that Bishnupur Lions is on a project LIONS MINI OXYGEN BANK to help dying Covid-affected patients.
At that very time the most attractive offer from LCIF INDIA came. We came to knew that LCIF INDIA announced Matching grant for being a MJF. We did not waste a day to take this opportunity and requested the members to come forward. Our the then Secretary Lion Prasanta Bhakat and District Cabinet member Lion Laxmikanta Hazra donated £1000 each to LCIF with some financial assistance from PID Lion Bishnu Bajoria sir and the then District Governor Lion Shambhunath Aharwala sir.
By some days we received 12 new oxygen cylinders from LCIF as Matching Disaster grant.
We announced proudly that Bishnupur Lions is now on a project LIONS OXYGEN BANK instead of LIONS MINI OXYGEN BANK and no Covid patient will die without oxygen in our locality.
Our promise is still intact as the project is running smoothly. We want to convey our gratitude to LCIF INDIA from the core of our heart.
We know that the story will run and surely will give birth a new success story.