Lions Tent City Pakistan by Lions of Sweden

Karachi (04th Oct. 2022) After the successful efforts of Lions Club International District Governor South Mohammad Farooq Dhedhi and former Council Chairman Zafar Iqbal, the Swedish Lions Club has sent 304 tents to Pakistan to establish a Lions Tent City for the flood victims. On reaching Pakistan, NDMA welcomed the Swedish Lions and took control of the tents.

The Swedish Lions Club instructed that all the tents should be installed in the presence of the responsible Lions Club International in Pakistan, District Governor South Mohammad Farooq Dhedhi, former Council Chairman Zafariqbal. Therefore, all the tents were installed in 2 trucks under the supervision of the Pakistan Army and Sindh Rangers. DMA, both members of the Swedish Lions Club and Mohammad Farooq Dhedhi, along with Zafraqbal were flown from Karachi to Naseerabad, Dera Murad Jamali, Balochistan.

150 tents have been set up in Naseerabad to accommodate the flood affected people. Lions Club Swedish Communogram is also present on all the tents while another Lions tent with 154 tents will be set up in the Sabi area under the supervision of NDMA after the city tours. And placement in Sibi will be decided by NDMA.

Malik Khudabakhsh, appointed grant administrator of Lions Club International, said that the Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) has allocated US$200,000 for the reconstruction of 100 worst affected houses in flood-affected areas in Pakistan. Grant of dollars has been given and a committee has also been established in this regard, work is being started to build 100 houses and Lions Club International can also increase the grant if necessary, but there are some problems due to some technical reasons, but they will be resolved soon.

The Swedish Lions Club has now sent 304 tents to Pakistan to help the flood victims. It is a matter of honor for me that the Lions Club International has established an authoritative committee headed by me to help the flood affected people in Pakistan. Council Chairman Arshad Mahmood has been appointed as the project chairman of this committee, this committee will determine the location under my leadership and later the services of a construction company and an audit firm will be obtained for the construction of houses. Thank you LCIF for providing funds to help the flood affected people in Pakistan.

Featured Photograph:
Group photo of Lions Club International District Governor South Mohammad Farooq Dhedhi, former Council Chairman Zafariqbal, Swedish Lion Mr. Michael and others along with NDMA and Pakistan Army during the installation of tents in Naseerabad, Balochistan.