LIONS BCVI Eye Clinic and Rehabilitation Project
The demand of Eye care has increased in Belize. Due to this demand, the LIONS BCVI National Eye Clinic and Rehabilitation Project (expansion project) was established. This project will ensure that many more persons who require the service of BCVI (Belize Council for the Visually Impaired) are provided the service. BCVI offers the only rehabilitation program
in the country for persons who are blind or visually impaired.
Therefore, Belize City Lions Club and BCVI collaborated in seeking a grant from LCIF to provide the Resource/ Rehabilitation Center, whereby BCVI staff would be able to plan, organize and house the braille unit and the material which would help children and other persons who are newly blind and need support, guidance, and counselling in order to live a better way of life.
This initiative is a great testament of the collaboration that exists among Belize City Lions Club, LCIF and the BCVI.