Invigorated and Inspired by Attending the 2024 LCIF Convention in Melbourne
I have had the pleasure of working with Special Olympics International for the last 14 years. In early 2023, when Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) had their board meeting in Ireland, I was lucky enough to attend a supporting event hosted by Special Olympics Ireland. Many may not know this, but Special Olympics and LCIF have been partners for over 25 years.
During this event, I was pleasantly surprised and honored when Past International President Douglas Alexander recommended that I become a Lion. Without any hesitation on my part and with no time to lose, I was thrilled when Past International President Brian Sheehan inducted me as a Lion that very same evening.
Since then, I have become a member of my local Lucan Lion’s Club and am now their vice president. I will become president next year. I am also the youngest member, so I am – well looked after. I am impressed and humbled by the selfless work that is being done on a local and national level, and it’s almost easy to be so heavily involved with its activities when the team you are part of is passionate, dedicated and completely committed to the cause – to serve our community and those less fortunate.
I recently had the opportunity to attend the Lions International Convention in Melbourne where I got to see firsthand the size, impact and scale of LCIF and the fantastic global reach they have around the world.
During the convention it was a privilege to be invited to the stage by David Evangelista, regional president for Special Olympics International, for an open forum to talk about my journey to date, not only as a Lion but also in my involvement with the partnership between Special Olympics International and LCIF. During this time, I talked about the fantastic support which LCIF provides internationally and the progress we have made in further developing the national partnership between Special Olympics Ireland and District 133 (Lions Ireland). A particular standout moment was seeing Special Olympics hosting an award ceremony to recognize nine Lions Clubs leaders for their exemplary service to our Special Olympic Athletes and to the global population of individuals with intellectual disabilities. We also had lots of fun getting our bodies moving during a unified experience where we invited Board members and other guests to join our Special Olympic athletes from Melbourne in some Zumba dancing and table tennis activities.
The event left me invigorated, inspired and raring to play my part in this incredible mission and add to its story.
So, what’s next? If anything, the conference showed me that our boundaries are limitless, but personally I want to further develop the relationship between Special Olympics Ireland and District 133. We still have plenty of deliverables and opportunities with the global partnership. I also am looking forward to my year as club vice president. I will be working with the finance team from District 133 to review their financial governance policies and systems and I also look forward to supporting District 133 in a supporting role in hosting the Europa Lions Forum in Dublin in late 2025.
Lion Will Byrne
June 2024