Indiana Lions Return to Eastern Kentucky
Our journey began last year after the tornadoes in Western Kentucky. Lion Bill McDonald, who has responded to many disasters, asked if I would like to help. I had never seen the results of a disaster firsthand. We left Osgood, Indiana with 2 trailers with totes, Christmas gifts, & other needed items for Madisonville, Kentucky.
Lion Bill M. was Santa for the kids!
On a follow up trip, we took à trailer load of flooring, and other items to St. Charles, Kentucky. It has left a lasting impression on me what people must go through. Fast forward to the floods in Eastern Kentucky. Bill & I said, what can we do for the flood disasters? Both of us being Lions knew we had to serve!
The communities in Ripley County, Indiana came through with needed items. A friend of mine, John Ingram has family in the town of Neon, Kentucky. Reconnecting with Lion Shawn Van Lue in Madisonville, gave me 2nd VDG Brett Rosenblum’s contact info. I worked with Brett on needed items for Neon. A trip was planned with Lions Bill & Toni McDonald and myself. Lion Sam Quillen was our contact in Neon. Lion Bill coached Lion Sam on how to set up a recovery effort going forward. Later, linens were shipped to Neon. Both trips to Western & Eastern KY opened my eyes to the needs of our fellow men & women. I encourage all to volunteer to help in such disasters. It could be you next! Lion Sam & I continue to stay in contact. Lions Serve not only our communities, but those in needed throughout the world.
Lion Andy Schwier, Zone Chair 7A, Ripley Co. Indiana Our Newfound Friends Lion Sam Quillen said, “Our newfound friends from Milan & Osgood, Indiana are so special. The many trips to Neon delivering supplies and encouragement have been a heartfelt blessing to the Neon Community Lions Club and area we serve.” A New Appreciation Out of devastation comes a new appreciation, appreciation of love and generosity directed to our little town of FlemingNeon. The immediate impact of not only tons of material needs vital to these affected families but the uplifting psychological support provided by our Lions Clubs throughout Kentucky and surrounding states was instrumental in keeping us focused on the task at hand.
From Day One contact while deep in the mud from DG Verna Sharp, followed by an on scene visit to evaluate needs- We immediately started hearing from Lions all over 43Y asking, “What do you need in Neon? we are coming.” – Lion Sam Quillen, President. Neon Community Lions Club.
“Lions Clubs have demonstrated our motto WE SERVE to the town of Neon”