Fight Against the Cancer

October is the month of Breast Cancer Awareness worldwide. This deadly and fatal disease is said to be the silent killer of women.

Of all the deadly diseases in the world, breast cancer is the deadliest. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the world. One out of every six women are attacked by the breast cancer and one out of every 36 infected women has a risk of death.

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in Bangladesh. One woman is infected every 6 minutes and one woman dies of breast cancer every 11 minutes.

The statistics are horrible. But still many people hide the disease from others. Many of our women are not aware of breast cancer due to social taboos. Even many educated women do not know about this.

Leo Mohiuddin Siraj’s mother died in 2010 due to uterine cancer. So he tried to work on this project while he was serving as the President of Leo Club of Chittagong Imperial City.

The project was termed as- Leo Club of Chittagong Imperial City Project- ‘Fight Against the Cancer ». Leo district 315-B4, Bangladesh.

We started with a female doctor to raise awareness about breast cancer and uterine cancer in various schools and colleges. Then we organized a Breast Cancer Awareness Bicycle Rally. We did an International Twinning Project on Breast Cancer, where a Breast Cancer Awareness Program has been organized in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Under this project we have raised awareness about breast cancer and uterine cancer in 2000 students. We have distributed 1000 leaflets on breast cancer. We have tried to make girls aware at an early age so that girls can be aware after marriage.

Breast cancer – not in panic, rather the solution is in awareness!