Dry Ration Packs for Sri Lankan Community
Hunger is one of the five global focus points of the Lions Clubs International Foundation and taking into account the impending food shortage in Sri Lanka in the current economic crisis, we Lions of L/C of GNCL organized a donation of dry ration packs to low income families who have been most affected during this time.
With the aid of the Grama Sevaka and priests of temples in the area 30 families were selected and each were donated a dry ration pack worth of over RS 6,500/- consisting of rice, dhal, onions, potatoes, flour, tea, spices, coconuts, etc.
This project was successful due to the kind donations by the members of the Lions Club, sponsors, other Lions and donors.
#hungerrelief #dryrations #CRISIS #SriLanka #GNCL #lionsclubinternational #weserve