District 318 B creates history for India and CA VI
A Campaign 100 Model Club is a leader that collectively supports LCIF and the campaign financially. And broadly and proudly promotes Lions, LCIF, and Campaign 100.
Being a Model Club takes teamwork, a positive attitude and a commitment to serve – traits that when practiced and honed yield amazing results for LCIF and Lions. These traits when exhibited by every club member, combined with able leadership, can achieve wonders.
We share with you a story which made history for all Lions in India and CA VI. The leaders of all clubs in Zone 245040 of region 14, District 318 B, joined together with a vision to take their service to the next level.
Being well aware of the tremendous impact their donations and commitments can make on the lives of those in need, all three Clubs, Pathanamthitta Emirates (131352), Travancore Emirates (135056) and Travancore Oman (139114) decided to become model clubs. Travancore Emirates became a Visionary Model Club and the others became base model clubs during the first quarter of the current lionistic year! Thus, for the first time ever, a Zone became a Model Zone, fulfilling the vision that Zone Chair Lion Anish Koshy had for his zone.
Hearty Congratulations to Lion Amith George, Lion Vrindesh Mohanan and Lion C J Thomas, and all of the team for this wonderful teamwork! Special appreciation to the proud District Governor, Lion Prince Scaria and to the Region Chair Lion Shibi M Thampi.
We believe that this Model Zone will enable the Lions fraternity to exponentially increase Lions’ ability to serve and hope they will be an inspiration for many to follow.