About the World Week of the Blind
I would like to share the pride of the event we have created for visually impaired individuals, including our club and the Barrier-Free Life Committee of our 118-K Management Circle, as well as the Mayor of Bursa Gemlik and the City Council.
On November 19, as the Gemlik Lions Club, we invited Visually Impaired Teachers as guests to our meeting and listened to their problems. Afterwards, under the chairmanship of our club, in cooperation with the management circle, we invited the Mayor of Gemlik District of Bursa, Mr. Şükrü Deviren, and the City Council to an awareness activity about walking on the sidewalk with a blindfold on December 03, World Week of the Visually Impaired. They did not offend us and participated in this event, and on that day, we presented 60 Visually Impaired Canes and Wolker donations to our disabled citizens who were there, showing the sensitivity of being a Lion and the Lions towards every member of the society on such a day.