Bulgaria against Diabetes

Diabetes is the chronic disease has reached the scale of a global epidemic – more than 360 million people suffer from it. Every 10 seconds, two people get sick with diabetes, and one person dies from this disease.

It all started at the end of 2018, when Lions Martin Petrov, Radoslav Krumov, Emil Petrov and Gergo Gergov carried out a volunteer mission, the first Stride against diabetes for Bulgaria, which gave face and publicity to the cause.

April 2019, after a long planning, Lions Club Vidin took the second huge step in the international campaign against diabetes, by Air, Land and Water, held in the month of April 2019 on the territory of Northern Bulgaria and Southern Romania. Our goals were for the Bulgarian state to include in diabetes control the use of electronic sensors to control blood sugar levels.
At the end of 2019, the goals were written down and presented to Lions Clubs International Foundation, and at the beginning of 2020, Bulgaria received the largest grant awarded to Eastern Europe in the amount of $104,976 USD. To the nearly 105 thousand dollars by LCIF in the process of implementing the project, it received donations in the accounts of LC Vidin, another nearly $40,000 USD.

Тhe result of our two years of work:
*Electronic sensors are regulated to be imported into Bulgaria, an order has been established for reimbursement and free use by children.
*We have created a network of 114 diabetes coordinators, representatives of Lions clubs, diabetes organizations and local authorities across the country.
* An active National Council for the fight against diabetes has been established.
* Over 1,000 diabetes nurse practitioners in over 1,200 educational institutions were trained from mid-2021 to 09/06/2022, during 31 trainings of medical personnel from schools and kindergartens in all administrative regions – we covered the territory of Bulgaria.
* We held four free Children’s training camps together with the Bulgarian National Association of Pediatric Endocrinology and the Golden Lion Children’s Academy. We trained 76 families to successfully control diabetes.
*In the period June 26 – July 8, 2021, a National march against diabetes was organized, which passed through all 28 regional cities, in which a large-scale explanatory and informational campaign and various activities were organized. During the march, a free measurement of blood sugar levels was organized in the settlements, from which they benefited:
– over 5,000 people, and over 20 000 were surveyed and received information materials.
– Within the framework of the National march against diabetes, a bicycle tour of Bulgaria was held, in which the participants traveled 2 000 kilometers.
We have created a public awareness site.
We lived with emotion, donated personal time and resources selflessly to get here.
The «Bulgaria against Diabetes» project has been implemented to keep the national cause «Bulgaria against Diabetes» alive!
We serve!