Eye & Medical Mission

This activity was organized by the Dumaguete City Host Lions Club in cooperation with the Drugstore Association of the Philippines-Negros Oriental Chapter and Negros Oriental Provincial Eye Health Team in Barangay Taclobo, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines. This activity was made possible because of the kind assistance of the Barangay Captain Roger Bohol, Barangay Health… Continue reading Eye & Medical Mission

Medical Mission at Barangay Taclobo

Concluded Activity by our club with the Drugstore Association of the Philippines-NegOr Chapter and NegOr Provincial Eye Health Team in Brgy Taclobo, Dumaguete City. Thanks to Hon. Roger Bohol, Brgy. Captain for supporting this cause and for your cooperation. Taclobo residents were happy to receive the ff: ✅️ Medical consultation ✅️ Eye consultation & refraction… Continue reading Medical Mission at Barangay Taclobo

Vision Screening

A fruitful day to remember.* This initiative helps pupils from Valencia Central Elementary School spend more time playing outside during break time to drive myopia away. More GREEN time, LESS screen time. This Sight For Kids and Myopia Prevention project was organized by the Dumaguete City Host Lions Club, in collaboration with the Fred Hollows… Continue reading Vision Screening

Eye Mission and Feeding Activty

Serving the Indigenous Peoples of Banban, Ayungon, Negros Oriental, Philippines last August 20, 2022. We were blessed to have concluded our joint activity – vision screening, refraction, eye health awareness, and feeding. This activity is in collaboration with Negros Oriental Provincial Eye Health Team (sponsored by the Fred Hollows Foundation) and Dumaguete City ”Host” Lions… Continue reading Eye Mission and Feeding Activty


蓮花獅子會安心助學計劃〜致贈偏鄉學校平板電腦 LCIF / DCG 回撥款造福學童 蓮花獅子會秘書 陳懿薇 蓮花獅子會年度舉行的「區及分會社區影響撥款(DCG)」社會服務案,江寶華會長經多方詢問及審慎考量後提案「捐贈偏鄉學校平板電腦」方案,經由理監事及全體參與會議獅姐鼓掌通過此一議案,提供偏鄉弱勢學童向學校出借於疫情警戒期間於家中線上教學使用,讓家中沒有電腦3C產品的學童,學習不中斷。 這次捐贈的學校位於花蓮縣鳳林鎮的北林國小,該國小為偏遠地區小型學校,全校共六班,一至六年級各一班,目前全校學生人數僅22人,校園環境優美,學童樸實單純。家長絕大多數務農、幫農或打零工,謀生不易收入僅以溫飽。貧困弱勢學生的比例達六成以上,其中單親家庭與隔代教養學生多,以及新移民母親比例高,約有四成左右的新台灣之子。在生活條件不佳的情形下,更遑論家中擁有電腦相關學習產品。 在本會收到國際基金會標準撥款支票後即刻進行購買平板電腦及精緻點心事宜,並與北林國小接洽溝通,以不打擾學生上課時間為要,訂定3月14日上午舉行捐贈儀式。當日由北林國小朱天德校長親自與全校師生迎接蓮花獅姐們的到來,在300 F區LCIF林照鳳協調長、LCIF陳惠卿副協調長、駐區副財務長陳碧珍及江寶華會長偕同第二副會長朱愽琴與多位獅姐們的歡喜見證下,舉辦DCG愛心物資捐贈儀式。除了捐贈平板電腦,本會同時捐贈多功能愛心傘及精緻可口點心,受到學童們的歡呼和喜愛,朱校長對蓮花獅子會為北林國小學習上注入一股暖流而頻頻致謝。 蓮花獅子會以在地國際社服團體回饋家鄉的偏鄉學校,讓學童因疫情影響下,造成停課而導致學習中斷時,即可向學校出借電腦回家使用,快樂學習。開心的孩童們現場以排笛演奏多首樂曲,師生們跟著旋律一同唱和,將節奏輕快悅耳的歌聲,化成最美麗的音符,回饋給今天到來的獅子會叔叔和阿姨們。 國際獅子會提供在地的即時服務,並提供偏鄉學童在家庭環境不佳之狀態下,未能得到良好的學習工具資源,蓮花獅子會提供了這項教育學習服務,將平板筆電挹注偏鄉學校,提升及充實孩子們的學習效率,獅姐們也紛紛展現獅子服務精神,親自關懷並與學童們熱情互動,頓時歡笑聲迴盪在優美的校園中,現場美好的氛圍深深觸動所有人心,We Serve 我們服務,此時下了最好的註解!

Reaching Refugees in Thailand

Special Olympics Thailand became the first program from the Asia Pacific region to begin programming within a refugee camp. Through support from LCIF, Special Olympics trained 28 coaches based in two camps on the Myanmar border. Training will be followed by implementation of sports training to learners at special needs schools within the camps.

OSEAL Leo Forum in Cambodia

Special Olympics Cambodia was thrilled to participate in the OSEAL Leo Forum in Cambodia. Fun activities including football and tug of war were arranged to connect the Leos with Special Olympics athletes.

OSEAL Forum Activation in Japan

With the experience of the Unified bocce at the International Lions Convention still fresh in their minds, Special Olympics Nippon were delighted to have the opportunity to stage a Unified bocce event with Lions at the OSEAL Forum in Hokkaido. International President Gudrun as well as a number of Past International Presidents and Lions Executives… Continue reading OSEAL Forum Activation in Japan