Strengthening the Partnership in Jamaica

Special Olympics Jamaica continues its strong relationship with Lions and Leos. At a Unified Football and Healthy Athletes screening event, Leos served as volunteers and unified partners, Lions as non-clinical volunteers at the Opening Eyes screening. In addition, Jamaica hosted a floorball training for all Caribbean Program leaders.

피난민과의 봉사를 통한 포용

제럴드 음발레가 전하는 메시지: 저는 그들의 아낌없는 지원으로 큰 도움을 받은 난민의 한 사람으로서, 소외된 사람들을 지원해 준 국제협회와 국제재단에 먼저 감사의 마음을 전하고 싶습니다. 저 뿐만 아니라 많은 난민들과 이주민들을 대신하여 진심으로 감사드립니다. 전 세계 라이온스클럽 자원봉사자들의 온정과 친절함은 인류 역사상 가장 위태로운 시기에 그 빛을 발합니다. 제2차 세계대전 이후로 분쟁과 빈곤으로 인해 이렇게… Continue reading 피난민과의 봉사를 통한 포용

Playing Unified to Celebrate “Mission: Inclusion”

As Lions Clubs leaders from throughout Europe gathered to celebrate the 2022 Lions Europa Forum in Thessaloniki, Greece, another celebration was being planned concurrently- underscoring the critical global leadership that the Lions Clubs International Foundation and countless Lions Clubs and Leos have offered to communities throughout the world. With the Europa Forum in full-swing, Special… Continue reading Playing Unified to Celebrate “Mission: Inclusion”

Thank You from Special Olympics Brazil!

Special Olympics Brazil extends its deep gratitude to Lions Clubs International and Lions Clubs of Brazil for their steadfast support to “Mission: Inclusion” and the empowerment of all with intellectual disabilities.