Special Olympics Thailand became the first program from the Asia Pacific region to begin programming within a refugee camp. Through support from LCIF, Special Olympics trained 28 coaches based in two camps on the Myanmar border. Training will be followed by implementation of sports training to learners at special needs schools within the camps.
Story Category: AJ 5 – OSEAL (Ásia Oriental e Sudeste da Ásia)
OSEAL Leo Forum in Cambodia
Special Olympics Cambodia was thrilled to participate in the OSEAL Leo Forum in Cambodia. Fun activities including football and tug of war were arranged to connect the Leos with Special Olympics athletes.
OSEAL Forum Activation in Japan
With the experience of the Unified bocce at the International Lions Convention still fresh in their minds, Special Olympics Nippon were delighted to have the opportunity to stage a Unified bocce event with Lions at the OSEAL Forum in Hokkaido. International President Gudrun as well as a number of Past International Presidents and Lions Executives… Continue reading OSEAL Forum Activation in Japan
D301A2 Region 2 for Lapulapu Odette Victims
It started from a Coastal Clean Up in Nov. 28th 2021 at Bgy. Odlot in Bogo, Cebu. Delayed the return upon advice of a strong Typhoon Odette (Cat. 5 Rai) coming to hit Cebu as its center. Dec. 16 – First Misa de Gallo, performed the District activity of Arrozcaldo Mula sa Puso Year 5… Continue reading D301A2 Region 2 for Lapulapu Odette Victims
啟智教養院的孩子們因天生遲緩及腦癌而弱智甚至不健全,我們精心策劃聖誕節前的烤肉聖誕party,看著他們滿足的微笑,開心的歡唱,誰說他們是不可愛的,是行為有殘缺的… 陪伴與鼓勵是給予他們最好的禮物
Compassion is important
Our club was formed in 1963. In 2011, the three clubs of Kobe Suma, Kobe Maiko, and Kobe Ichinotani merged to become the current Kobe Suma Lions Club, and in 2011 it celebrated its 10th anniversary. To commemorate this, under the chairman’s theme of “Responding to Change,” we presented “Snoezelen Supplies” to Hyogo Prefectural Children’s… Continue reading Compassion is important
Typhoon Relief Operation in Northern Philippines
The Baguio City Host Lions Club with the coordination of its District Governor Westly Rosario, has launched a donation drive in order to provide relief efforts to the victims of Typhoon Maring. The donations received were donations from different districts under MD 301. It is a great honor to be a lion who would be… Continue reading Typhoon Relief Operation in Northern Philippines
ライオンズ・奉仕デーに地区内一斉清掃を実施。(公園・駅・道路そして海岸などの清掃活動) 地区シェアリング交付金を活用して、地区内全クラブ(69クラブ)へライオンズクラブをPRする「のぼり」を作成、配布した。 清掃奉仕中にライオンズの「のぼり」を掲げることで地域社会への広報活動となり、またSNSなどで当日の様子をアップすることで、さらに奉仕のインパクトを得られ、他地区からも強い関心を得られた。 この事業が毎年地区全体を挙げての継続的なアクティビティとなることを期待し、また、地域社会の人々にライオンズクラブの認知度がさらにアップすることを願っております。
Relieving the Hunger Project
The Cavite City Lions Club MJF and 3 idf Cavite City Leo Club The Cavite City Lions Club MJF and 3 idf Cavite City Leo Club accept the challenge Relieving the Hunger Project . IP DOUGLAS ALEXANDER . We Also Distribute 500 LEAFLETS CANCER 500 DIABETES AWARENESS and 500 packs of Food distribute at City… Continue reading Relieving the Hunger Project
Relieving the Hunger Project
The Cavite City Lions Club MJF and 3 idf Cavite City Leo Club accept the challenge Relieving the Hunger Project . IP DOUGLAS ALEXANDER We Also Distribute 500 LEAFLETS CANCER, 500 DIABETES AWARENESS and Feeding 500 Inmates in the City Jail Oct. 16,2021 is day of this activity namely BJMP District Jail Cavite THANK YOU… Continue reading Relieving the Hunger Project