The Lions Quest Committee of Multiple District 301 Philippines turned over six hundred books to a public secondary institutions in Legazpi City, Albay Province with the largest student population in the region. With the support of a grant by Lions Clubs International Foundation, the impact of the project is felt on a wider scale and… Continue reading Lions Quest Book Distribution
Story Category: AJ 5 – OSEAL (Ásia Oriental e Sudeste da Ásia)
《11歲的小小義工:假日助力台北市典範獅子會募血活動》 上週末,11歲的劉品寬小朋友在台北市典範獅子會舉辦的募血活動中,展現了驚人的責任感與熱情。儘管年紀尚小,品寬卻在現場負責分發舉牌宣傳捐血活動、引導民眾並鼓勵他們參與捐血。這次活動共募集到13250cc珍貴的血液,而品寬小朋友的努力功不可沒。他的無私奉獻不僅溫暖了需要幫助的人,也為自己樹立了榜樣,展示了年輕一代對社會的關懷與責任心。
國際獅子會 300 A3區台北市典範獅子會 在這次活動中,我們陪伴弱勢兒童一同前往台中東勢(梨最珍貴果園)農場,進行一系列有意義的活動,包括採水梨、植樹、環境保護,並帶領這些孩子們前往孤兒院捐助日常用品。 活動安排; 採水梨:讓孩子們親身體驗農作的樂趣,了解農業生產的過程。 植樹:教育孩子們關於環境保護的重要性,並親手種下希望的樹苗。 環境保護:進行農場周邊的清潔活動,培養孩子們的環保意識。 捐助活動:帶領孩子們前往當地孤兒院,捐贈日常用品,並與孤兒院的孩子們互動,傳遞愛心和關懷。 這次活動不僅是一次難得的體驗,更是我們向社會傳遞關愛的具體行動。 共同為這些弱勢兒童帶來歡樂和希望。 感謝各位獅兄獅姐的支持與參與! #善的動力愛的啟航
300-C1區 自治獅子會捐助惠明盲校大禮堂地磚社會服務
The service of Huiming School for the Blind is 24 hours a day. Depending on the seriousness of the students with multiple disabilities, small class teaching and education are required in terms of study and life. The manpower and financial resources required are larger than those of ordinary students, and the adoption fee is beneficial.… Continue reading 300-C1區 自治獅子會捐助惠明盲校大禮堂地磚社會服務
Vision, Diabetes, Childhood Cancer & Hunger Service Day
Dumaguete City Lions Club hosted a service day at Brgy. Dayoyo, Jimalalud, that brought smiles to their faces and joy in their hearts. A visionary initiative of our club provided comprehensive eye services, childhood eye cancer (retinoblastoma) screening, blood and urine sugar testing, and snacks to our beneficiaries and volunteers. Four global causes of Lions… Continue reading Vision, Diabetes, Childhood Cancer & Hunger Service Day
Paint with Love and Care
Mural wall Painting for Childhood Cancer Children in Ronald Macdonald House in Hospital HTCM Cheras Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Let’s Cheers up the patient and family with Love & Care with the lovely environment ~😘😍🥰🎊🎉🥳 makes stay environment more colourful and cheerful 💞
2022罕見醫療弱勢跨病類台中一日 遊聯誼活動
全台灣目前將近有一萬個家庭深受罕見疾病之苦,但大多數都沒有積極治療的方式,還必須負擔沉重的醫療及照護費用,讓罕病家庭成為社會中極弱勢的族群。台灣弱勢病患權益促進會除了建立病患家庭、病友團體和醫療專業的溝通平台,促進醫病溝通、扶助病友 及家屬之外,也積極參與政府優生保健、罕病防治政策研擬,並推動新生兒篩檢和遺傳諮詢防治,希望能儘早發現罕病兒並避免罕病的不幸再度發生。 罕見疾病種類繁多,病患需求差異性大,在照護與成長的過程中,病患與家屬除了需要醫療專業外,病友彼此間的支持與鼓勵也是不 可或缺的,為促進同病類之病友能凝聚彼此感情。 目前全台灣有將近 270 種罕見疾病,除了經由台灣弱勢病患權益促進會及罕見疾病基金會共同扶持協助成立的團體組織外,尚還有許多人數相當稀少的疾病並無法有固定的聚會或聯絡的管道,彼 此更因為缺乏經驗交流分享而獨自面對疾病人生。 而對很多人來說,走出戶外踏青去應該是一件非常輕鬆快樂的事情,對於罕病病友來說,也是他們心中深深的期盼。礙於身體的不便、照護的顧慮與外界的眼光,只能將這小小心願深埋心中。為了滿足病友這殷切的期盼,也讓病友家庭得以藉由出遊達到舒壓放鬆 及暫時喘息的療效。本會從 2017 年起與台灣弱勢病患權益促進會開始共同舉辦病友旅遊活動,環遊全台各地都留下了病友們快樂的笑容。同時本會也藉由舉辦一日體驗的活動,拉近與民間夥伴與罕病病友的認識與互動,也讓社會大眾更清楚罕病家庭實際的生活情況與他們強韌的生命鬥志。 今年本會第五度與台灣弱勢病患權益促進會合作,帶領醫療弱勢病友於10月23日於台中舉辦「罕見醫療弱勢跨病類台中一日病家喘息聯誼活動」,增加罕見醫療弱勢病友們外出旅遊之機會放鬆身心,更藉由一日遊活動讓各病友家庭能拓展生活育樂圈,並提供各病友家庭們聯誼交流及照護經驗分享的機會,達到相互關懷鼓勵之功能,進而放鬆心情。
Sight For Kids Activity During World Sight Day
Out of the 200 grade 5 pupils screened at Felipe Tayko Memorial School (an elementary school), 26 students were found to be myopic or nearsighted. And out of the 26 students, 5 have amblyopia or lazy eyes just because there was no appropriate management/treatment given, and that is only a pair of spectacles when they… Continue reading Sight For Kids Activity During World Sight Day
World Sight Day Activities
Lions Clubs International District 301-B2 organized a series of activities in celebration of “World Sight Day.” The activities began with the “Minding Myopia” symposium on October 12 at Bethel Guest House. This activity seeks to spread awareness about the rising cases of myopia or nearsightedness in the country and how it can negatively affect people’s… Continue reading World Sight Day Activities