Expanding Lions Quest: Transforming Alabama’s Juvenile Justice System

The Lions Quest program is making significant strides in Alabama’s juvenile justice system, with active programs in multiple counties and promising expansion on the horizon. District 34 C, with the help of a Lions Quest grant will launch a Juvenile Justice Lions Quest Program in Escambia County, set to begin in January. The district is… Continue reading Expanding Lions Quest: Transforming Alabama’s Juvenile Justice System

우크라이나 청소년들의 더 나은 미래를 위한 협력

“우리의 목표는 라이온스 퀘스트를 통해 우크라이나의 모든 어린이를 돕는 것입니다.” 발렌틴 크라브첸코(Dr. Valentin Kravchenko) 전지구총재는 이러한 그의 포부를 밝히며, 국제재단(LCIF) 교부금과 현지 라이온들의 참여로 목표를 달성할 것이라고 전했습니다. “우리는 라이온스 퀘스트를 시행하는 학교들의 노력을 지원함으로써 모든 우크라이나 어린이들이 갈등 해결 기술을 익히고, 다양성을 존중하며, 감정을 관리하고, 어려움을 이겨내며, 전반적으로 건강한 정신 건강을 지킬 수 있도록… Continue reading 우크라이나 청소년들의 더 나은 미래를 위한 협력

Promoting Good Mental Health and Well-Being

Childhood. It’s not always easy. Nor are the adolescent years. Developing socially, and maturing emotionally and intellectually, can be challenging. Other factors overwhelming too many of our youth include peer pressure; insecure home lives; and school environments in which students feel unsafe, unwelcome, or uncared for. Fortunately, students in Australia and worldwide are gaining valuable… Continue reading Promoting Good Mental Health and Well-Being

Life Skills through Lions Quest

Anchorage School District has been a nationwide leader in SEL programming for many years, but was searching for one unified program to implement across their middle schools. Lions recognized a unique opportunity; through their own network, they had connections with district leadership, and through LCIF, they had access to both funding and a proven SEL… Continue reading Life Skills through Lions Quest